Guesses for Friday's Article

By Stone37, in Star Wars: Destiny

So tomorrow kicks off the Destiny pre-launch event! I figure there HAS to be a new article posted tomorrow (Friday November 18) about some aspect of Destiny that has not been covered.

My guess is an article about the promos they will be giving away and/or an article about deckbuilding.

What are your guesses?

A gripping exposé about the Neutral faction: What do they want? How do they play? Why can't they just pick a side already?

Star Wars: Armada gets a turn on some of there new toys or The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen

A gripping exposé about the Neutral faction: What do they want? How do they play? Why can't they just pick a side already?

With Sith, you at least know where they stand, but you never know with those filthy Neutrals....

A gripping exposé about the Neutral faction: What do they want? How do they play? Why can't they just pick a side already?

With Sith, you at least know where they stand, but you never know with those filthy Neutrals....

We do know they have a problem with keeping art from being stolen...

And ... Deck Building it is!! :)