For the last time ever, you'll be able to get a couple of DH Second Edition books for drastically reduced cost (we're talking 5 bucks a book). Also a bunch of other 40K books are available. Just look up the FFG Holiday Sale. Have fun, everyone!
FFG Holiday Sale
Am I just blind or is the core book not in there?
Unfortunately I'm in UK, so postal cost is ridiculously high :-(
DH2.0 Adventure Book - US$10.
Shipping to Oz - US$55.
4 books for $83 dollars shipping. Bloody hell.
I still bought stuff because they had a copy of Realms of Sorcery for WFRP which I kicked myself for not grabbing when it was on PoD.
DH2.0 Adventure Book - US$10.
Shipping to Oz - US$55.
It's totally worth it though! Trust me!
Am I just blind or is the core book not in there?
It's out of stock.
I completed my collection a few months ago, but this would've saved me a lot of money had I waited.
Oh well, picked up the arkham horror books, as I'd been wanting them for a while now. The shipping was double the costs of all the books, but in the end it was like 2.90 per books so there's that.
Am I reading it wrong? $5 for a book but it is per case with 6 or 12 books per case.
I would buy up a bunch of those books but only as singles.
~ alemander
Edited by alemanderI can't imagine they'd sell an entire case for $5.
I assumed I was $5 per unit and only cases could be purchased with 6 or 10 or 12 units.
In Your Basket:
Price: $5.00, Case Qty: 6
I don't want six books.
I mean they'll be pretty turnable after the lisence runs out so there's that. Maybe that's why shipping is so jacked.
Am I just blind or is the core book not in there?
It's out of stock.
That doesn't surprise me- I've heard it goes for around $100US on eBay. Glad I bought mine when I did (even though I'm still playing first edition).
Am I just blind or is the core book not in there?
It's out of stock.
That doesn't surprise me- I've heard it goes for around $100US on eBay. Glad I bought mine when I did (even though I'm still playing first edition).
Yeah, I finished out my collection from like 7 out of print books. Managed to get them for...well I'd rather not say but it's not as bad as some people wanted them for.
Am I just blind or is the core book not in there?
You aren't, it's not.
- Trooper