
By McHydesinyourpants, in Game Masters

So in my next session I will be sending the group into a gambling den. Thought I should have some guidelines set up for myself so my players can lose some money to the games. I went looking for some gambling rules for EoTE and found them less than satisfactory so I worked and tweaked them myself. This is what I came up with. Posting this here in case anyone else is looking for anything similar and in case anyone has any feedback or advice for this sort of thing.

Sabacc is played as a best out of three roll off system using various different skill checks roll off against each other. Any number of players can take part in the game but for simplicity's sake all NPC players will just roll as one.

Charm, Deception and Cool checks can be used in order to distract, bluff or maintain a Sabacc face. If a player wants to use the same skill again in the next round they must add two setback dice to the pool to represent the other players wising up to over used tactics.

The Skulduggery skill can be used instead of the listed skills in order to cheat. Skulduggery can be used repeatedly without adding a Setback die but if another player rolls a Triumph, they will notice the cheating. If a Triumph is rolled with a Skulduggery check, that attempt to cheat cannot be detected even if another player rolls a Triumph. If players want to conceal their attempts to cheat from other PCs they can announce they are using a different skill than Skullduggery but if a different player rolls a Triumph the player must own up (the honour system :P )

Sabacc games run as follows:

  • Player decides which skill they will use in order for the initial roll off and rolls keeping their results to themselves. If this is the second time in a row that this skill is to be used add 2 Setback dice to the pool.
  • Players make bets going clockwise around the table. Anyone can fold here or raise. Anyone who can’t meet the bet must fold. (Bets should be regulated to take party wealth and game economy into account).
  • Players compare results;

Triumph; If no other players have a Triumph, then this is an automatic win. If another player also rolled a Triumph, then the amount of Success rolled will be used as a tie breaker. If a Triumph is rolled any players using Skulduggery will be caught for cheating.
Success; If there are no Triumphs rolled, the player with the highest amount of Success will win. If two players have equal levels of success, then Advantage will be used as a tie breaker.
Advantage; If there is no success rolled, then the Player with the highest Advantage wins, otherwise it is used as a tie breaker.

Pazaak requires players to build a deck of numerical cards and play them against each other in turn to get to 20. We will do this with dice. Player can use a set of any 8 numerical dice to be their Pazaak deck. Dice will be rolled in turn and each result tallied until one or both players has 20, one or both players goes bust, or until both players don't have any more dice to roll. The game is won by being the first to reach 20 without going over 20. If neither player make it to 20 then the nearest to 20 (without being over it) wins. Pazaak is played in rounds. A new bet can be placed at the start of each round. Best out of three rounds wins the pot.

Once per game, at any point during the game the player can make an opposed Cool vs Cool check. If they succeed they spend the success and advantage on some of the things below. If the opponent wins the cool check he can choose from below:

  • Success; Reroll one of your own dice
  • Advantage; Subtract the result of the next roll from your own score
  • Triumph; Add or subtract the result of the next roll made from your own total score or your opponents.

Skulduggery can be used to vs the opponent's Vigilance to cheat. If the check fails the attempt is noticed but if successful, the player can:

  • Success; Reroll a die (their own die or their opponent’s die).
  • Advantage; Roll a dice twice and take the preferable result
  • Trimuph; Force their opponent to roll a dice twice and take the result of the cheaters choice.

Pazaak games run as follows:

  • Players decide how much they want to bet.
  • Flip a coin to decide roll order. Winner decides who goes first.
  • Players take turns in rolling a die each. The results on each die are added each round for each player.
  • If a both players reach 20 then the round is a draw. If one goes over 20 he automatically loses (unless he can use a skill check to lower it)

I just threw this together this afternoon so some help with clarity and finding any "bugs" in my system would be appreciated :D

There are official rules for both Sabacc and Pazak, as published by FFG.

But I don’t remember which rules are where.

There are official rules for both Sabacc and Pazak, as published by FFG.

But I don’t remember which rules are where.

I had found them but I didn't like them to be honest. Thought I would brew my own. For this kind of thing I prefer to know it thoroughly myself and then talk my players through a couple of rounds til they pick it up. Always easier with a homebrew mechanic than it is with one you don't really like :P

There is a game based on chance cubes at the end of Fly Casual (with fun rules). There are alternative sabacc rules in Suns of Fortune in the sabacc game modular encounter.

Or print off a Sabacc deck and play with prop cards :)

Or print off a Sabacc deck and play with prop cards :)

I love that. The gambling went down well. I can totally see a way to build a session around a high stakes Sabacc game, then pull out the cards when the party finally make it to the table. Let them use rolls to swap cards and redraw :P

Not a bad idea... I think there are 2 variations just using cards and 1 or 2 d6.. with one d6 cards are switched on a 1, 2 or 3. With two d6 i think if the dice come up doube 1, 2 etc.

I think you'd have to learn the availabe Sabacc rules back to front then work out how you could apply the Gambler spec to them. Dunno really, I've only glanced at both the Sabacc rules and the Gambler spec