If you want a second die for Finn do you have to buy 2 starters?

By SlappyWhite, in Star Wars: Destiny

Subject is the question.

Yes. But a 2nd die isn't too important for him, since his ability doesn't rely on dice.

It was more of a completionist question. Thank you.

Or trade for him ,

Or trade for him ,

I think trading for Finn Dice is highly unlikely, it’s a starter only card (as in you can't open them in boosters, only in the starter decks). It is as far as I am aware to only reason to buy a second Rey Starter at all. As such players will only ever have as many Finn's as they need and no spares (perhaps maybe they were given a Rey starter as a gift and they already had 2).

The only people that will have this card for trade would be someone that only wants to play darkside decks and bought the Rey starter for a Starter exclusive Neutral card that they needed, Of which I don't think there are actually any (that I can think of).

As such secondary market Finn cards and dice will likely be worth fractionally less than the cost of the Rey starter.

Or trade for him ,

I think trading for Finn Dice is highly unlikely, it’s a starter only card (as in you can't open them in boosters, only in the starter decks). It is as far as I am aware to only reason to buy a second Rey Starter at all. As such players will only ever have as many Finn's as they need and no spares (perhaps maybe they were given a Rey starter as a gift and they already had 2).

The only people that will have this card for trade would be someone that only wants to play darkside decks and bought the Rey starter for a Starter exclusive Neutral card that they needed, Of which I don't think there are actually any (that I can think of).

As such secondary market Finn cards and dice will likely be worth fractionally less than the cost of the Rey starter.

I will trade my Finn, Just saying

I will trade my Finn, Just saying

Then you my friend I suspect are in the distinct minority, and I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding someone to trade it away to as the demand for trading Finn's will potentially be high as there will be many that will want a second Finn but are not willing to pay for a whole new starter to get it.

One other scenario that I did neglect to mention would be that should Finn not actually be that good then I can see people trading it away more regularly, particularly as mentioned above to set completionists at the very least.

The only people that will have this card for trade would be someone that only wants to play darkside decks and bought the Rey starter for a Starter exclusive Neutral card that they needed, Of which I don't think there are actually any (that I can think of).

Another edge case: People who buy one Rey starter set, who have no interest in Finn, but who want a second copy of Force Throw for their deck. They might be tempted to trade Finn for Force Throw to another owner of the Rey starter set who has no interest in blue decks. But yeah, there are so many hoops to jump through to create a viable situation in which Finn would be traded that, as you said, it's kind of unlikely. However, he might exist on the single market. There might be people who buy the Starter sets and sell them piecemeal on eBay or something.

I will trade my Finn, Just saying

Then you my friend I suspect are in the distinct minority, and I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding someone to trade it away to as the demand for trading Finn's will potentially be high as there will be many that will want a second Finn but are not willing to pay for a whole new starter to get it.

One other scenario that I did neglect to mention would be that should Finn not actually be that good then I can see people trading it away more regularly, particularly as mentioned above to set completionists at the very least.

From the online community I am in the minority. I don't need every single card but if you want fin and are willing to trade for him I can get stuff I want to build NOW. Saturday I am fairly sure people will want and I will trade away my Finn, Rey promo, and gencon Rey and Kylo Promos.

I will trade my Finn, Just saying

Then you my friend I suspect are in the distinct minority, and I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding someone to trade it away to as the demand for trading Finn's will potentially be high as there will be many that will want a second Finn but are not willing to pay for a whole new starter to get it.

One other scenario that I did neglect to mention would be that should Finn not actually be that good then I can see people trading it away more regularly, particularly as mentioned above to set completionists at the very least.

From the online community I am in the minority. I don't need every single card but if you want fin and are willing to trade for him I can get stuff I want to build NOW. Saturday I am fairly sure people will want and I will trade away my Finn, Rey promo, and gencon Rey and Kylo Promos.

I take it you'll be coming to our flgs in the Netherlands so we can trade. :)

I say there is always a price folks will pay, either in trade or cash. It's up to you to decide if it's worth it. My OCD wants to be complete but that really depends on the local scene and how much folks want to trade and play. If I can't play there is no sense trying to be complete.

For now I have 2 or 3 decks I'd like to build so if I pull a card that isn't part of one of those decks then it's trade bait including Finn. After that it will depend on availability and how often I'm playing.

That said I do hate that Finn is only in the Starter. I wouldn't mind that it's one dice in the Starter if he was also available in boosters.

Remember, inevitably these starters will go on sale somewhere so if you can wait you should be able to get him cheaper and have twice as many Rey dice as you need.

It's upsetting that the starter decks did not come with (about) 30 points of characters and a 30 card deck. 10 more cards and a second Finn die (or FO Stormtrooper) would have fixed this issue.

That being said.... Unless you plan on going to some official tournament VERY SOON, I'd try using a proxy dice for Finn first. I'm not sure there is much of a value in getting a second starter seeing how MANY of these cards will end up in boosters that you buy.

That being said.... Unless you plan on going to some official tournament VERY SOON, I'd try using a proxy dice for Finn first. I'm not sure there is much of a value in getting a second starter seeing how MANY of these cards will end up in boosters that you buy.

Excellent points. Using a proxy should be very easy in this game. Any 6 sided common die will work. Tournaments are your only concern.

Edited by Thrindal

It was more of a completionist question. Thank you.

If you are a completitionist, you should be ready to spend a looooot of money on this game. So much that buying a second starter for 15$ should not be an issue to get a second copy of Finn and Force Throw.

If you are thinking only about needing a second dice to go to a tournament with Elite Finn, you should have no trouble finding a friend that didn't plan to bring his own Finn and lend you his dice. We're doing it with upgrades cards in X-Wing and Armada, don't see why we could not do that for Destiny too.

It bothered me at first too, and still I would have prefered if they included 2 Finn dice in the Starter Set like they did with Rey, but since I accepted the fact that I won't be able to complete each set anyway, I don't really care and will borrow it if I feel like it.

If youre a completionist and don't want the gamble, Team Covenant is selling kits including two copies of every single card in the initial release set, I think $299. Also "completionist kits" for each faction. Very limited number available.

I will trade my Finn, Just saying

Then you my friend I suspect are in the distinct minority, and I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding someone to trade it away to as the demand for trading Finn's will potentially be high as there will be many that will want a second Finn but are not willing to pay for a whole new starter to get it.

One other scenario that I did neglect to mention would be that should Finn not actually be that good then I can see people trading it away more regularly, particularly as mentioned above to set completionists at the very least.

From the online community I am in the minority. I don't need every single card but if you want fin and are willing to trade for him I can get stuff I want to build NOW. Saturday I am fairly sure people will want and I will trade away my Finn, Rey promo, and gencon Rey and Kylo Promos.

I take it you'll be coming to our flgs in the Netherlands so we can trade. :)

If you want to pay for the flight All yeah

It was more of a completionist question. Thank you.

If you are a completitionist, you should be ready to spend a looooot of money on this game. So much that buying a second starter for 15$ should not be an issue to get a second copy of Finn and Force Throw.

If you are thinking only about needing a second dice to go to a tournament with Elite Finn, you should have no trouble finding a friend that didn't plan to bring his own Finn and lend you his dice. We're doing it with upgrades cards in X-Wing and Armada, don't see why we could not do that for Destiny too.

It bothered me at first too, and still I would have prefered if they included 2 Finn dice in the Starter Set like they did with Rey, but since I accepted the fact that I won't be able to complete each set anyway, I don't really care and will borrow it if I feel like it.

I think FFG really wants to create a trade community (not a pawn store singles model like so many other CCGs) with this game. While stores would MUCH rather you buy singles.... trading and getting to know your fellow gamer is so much more fun!

Anyone here collect baseball cards as a kid? I use to love bringing the cards I was willing to trade with me to school or birthday parties! I'd meet new people and trade for new cards. I'm hoping FFG creates a trade mechanic for organized play. It would be a different way to draft. I'm thinking everyone brings a starter of their choice and then buys 4 boosters. After opening your boosters and considering your deck a certain amount of time is then given for players to trade with one another to help complete their decks.

Edited by Stone37

If youre a completionist and don't want the gamble, Team Covenant is selling kits including two copies of every single card in the initial release set, I think $299. Also "completionist kits" for each faction. Very limited number available.

While I think what they are doing at Team Covenant is great for people that don’t like CCG formats make sure to read the fine print:

Only 1 of each legendary, for which you probably will probably need 2 for most times you want to play them and it explicitly excludes the starter exclusive cards as well.

So there is still some cards you will need outside of the $299USD Saga Set.

If youre a completionist and don't want the gamble, Team Covenant is selling kits including two copies of every single card in the initial release set, I think $299. Also "completionist kits" for each faction. Very limited number available.

While I think what they are doing at Team Covenant is great for people that don’t like CCG formats make sure to read the fine print:

Only 1 of each legendary, for which you probably will probably need 2 for most times you want to play them and it explicitly excludes the starter exclusive cards as well.

So there is still some cards you will need outside of the $299USD Saga Set.

Good call, I didn't notice that. I wasn't that interested in buying it since it removes any of the fun of the CCG model, so I never read the fine print.