So here we all are > playing DH > accordingly a visceral experience as is 40k
Regardless of RPG and or Setting you have some players that will crop up time to time and gripe whenever an Encounter or Challenge is presented - and when I mean gripe > like "why is the GM doing this to us"...
Why would you play a game if you don't want to fight, climb, interact, or otherwise be "challenged"
WTF is with all the cakewalkery these days
Sure you can sure cheese the hell out of any video game you come across but as soon as you eneter the realm of PNP RPGing and challenges are well... challenging > bitchery and an overall sense of "its punishment" comes into play...
That's some "crazy" mindset right there > that's like wanting to join the track team then complaining that you gotta run?! This mindset spans many genres and I have seen it countless times from both the player's side of the table as well as the DM/GM's
Its just absurd, funny, and a waste of time...
Edited by MorbidDon