Availability in Europe

By Vascopinto, in Star Wars: Destiny

I was so looking forward to launchday and finally getting this game. Our LFGS here announced the launchday so me and three friends asked him to reserve 4 starters and 1 boosterbox for us. Last week we heard that he couldn't reserve the boosterbox because he would only receive 4 and everybody should have equal opportunity to buy boosters. Ok, fair, I guess. Then this morning I watched the covenant video of launchday at the FFG eventcenter. Great! Look at all those copies! Can't wait to get my hands on at least a starter next saturday. Now I just heard that our LFGS will only receive 12 starters in total instead of the 24 announced in the launchday kits. I'm not even sure if I can buy my own starter! This, after seeing all those copies around in advance reviews, previews and that launchday video. It feels a bit unfair. I would have thought the asmodee deal at least would bring better availability here in Europe... Guess not... :-(

And I didn't even start about the mrsp of $15.00 somehow translating to 20,00 for us here!

PS: Sorry if this comes across as whining. I'm just disappointed since I'm looking forward to this game a lot!

Edited by Vascopinto

Edited by Vascopinto

Not even sure if my flgs is getting any at all. Not holding my breath for it at this point.

The amount you see in advance copies and such will pale in comparison compared to the number actually shipped so don't think it'll make much odds. It'd have looked far worse if the FFG event ran out of stuff too!

My store still has confidence hè Will receive a set tomorow but that might become disapointing. Hope it wil turn out good

And I am in the Netherlands

Edited by john_nld

I read that american shops were also sent less than ordered so I guess the demand world-wide is just higher than FFG expected.

I'm also in the netherlands btw. What shop are you going to John?

My local in the UK received theirs yesterday and everything looks good so far.

I had heard rumour of the Italians having a shortage issue, but that's about it.

Good luck!

Not even sure if my flgs is getting any at all. Not holding my breath for it at this point.

The amount you see in advance copies and such will pale in comparison compared to the number actually shipped so don't think it'll make much odds. It'd have looked far worse if the FFG event ran out of stuff too!

Bad news for me. There's only one shop in Scotland doing a pre-release, and not able to make the drive over. Oh well!

I read that american shops were also sent less than ordered so I guess the demand world-wide is just higher than FFG expected.

I'm also in the netherlands btw. What shop are you going to John?

I will attend the launch party in Tilburg at De dobbelsteen. I hope it isn't to much of a travel for you so maybe we can see eachother there.

I read that american shops were also sent less than ordered so I guess the demand world-wide is just higher than FFG expected.

I'm also in the netherlands btw. What shop are you going to John?

I will attend the launch party in Tilburg at De dobbelsteen. I hope it isn't to much of a travel for you so maybe we can see eachother there.

I'm in Amsterdam and friends&foes is having a launchparty so I guess we wont be seeing eachother. I just hope I can get me a copy of the starter, I can wait 2 more weeks for the boosters...

Great launch party we had tons of fun

Me and my friends were lucky and managed to buy starters and 3 boosters each. I played 4 games today and am loving it. Can't wait for next gamenight when we will open our boosters.

Edited by Vascopinto