Finnicky Rules Question

By profparm, in Star Wars: Destiny

Finn reads, "you can attach any weapon to this character ignoring play restrictions".

If he already has a Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber on him, can he receive another one, even though it's unique? It seems like uniqueness is a play restriction, but I don't want to cheat anyone. Thoughts?

There cannot be more then 1 copy of a unique card in play.

Each card is either unique or non-unique. Unique cards are
marked by a diamond (
) before their titles. All other cards
are non-unique.
A player cannot have more than one copy of a unique card
in play at the same time. There cannot be more than one
copy of a unique character on a team, and a player cannot
play a unique support or unique upgrade if they already have
another copy of that card in play.
The unique restriction applies to each player individually.
Players can each have one copy of a unique card in play at
the same time.
The unique restriction does not apply to dice. A player can
have multiples of the same dice in play at the same time.
Characters with the same title but a different subtitle
are still considered to be the same character for
determining uniqueness.
Example: A player cannot use Darth Vader, Sith Lord and
Darth Vader, Dark Apprentice on the same team.

It's not a play restriction like yellow character only so to me it seems logical and not a contradiction. you just can't play it if the same unique upgrade is already there.


Right but you also can not play villain cards in a hero deck. Finn breaks rules. To me not being able to play a unique weapon because you have one in play sounds like a play restriction, unless the phrase "play restriction" is explicitly defined. I don't think this game has a "uniqueness check" like others, but I could be wrong on that.

Never mind, I found the definition for play restriction as well which defines it as a separate term. He can not play 2 Luke Skywalker Lightsabers.

Finn reads, "you can attach any weapon to this character ignoring play restrictions".

If he already has a Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber on him, can he receive another one, even though it's unique? It seems like uniqueness is a play restriction, but I don't want to cheat anyone. Thoughts?

I am not sure that's what the developers meant to convey by that ability. I am sure it will be in the next set of rules coming out. Lukas mentions it in the last KoR podcast that some things will be addressed. I like where your head is at though. Finding little loop holes and exploiting them to catch your opponent by surprise it awesome.


Just saw you post after I sent it. Cool!

Edited by CooMasterCoo

While unique may be restrictive it is not a play restriction.

Play restrictions sometimes appear on a card and are marked by the word “only.” A player cannot play the card unless the play restriction is met.

Upgrade cards sometimes say “(Color) character only”. If a player does not have a character of that color to attach the
upgrade to, the upgrade cannot be played.


A player cannot have more than one copy of a unique card in play at the same time. There cannot be more than one copy of a unique character on a team, and a player cannot play a unique support or unique upgrade if they already have another copy of that card in play.

  • The unique restriction applies to each player individually. Players can each have one copy of a unique card in play at the same time.
  • The unique restriction does not apply to dice. A player can have multiples of the same dice in play at the same time.
  • Characters with the same title but a different subtitle are still considered to be the same character for determining uniqueness.

If I'm reading this right, I could have two "Lukes Lightsabre" in my deck in order to increase the odds of it coming up earlier in the game. However, I could only equip one to a character. And, if it was discarded, I could then play the other?

You are right

Which means my OCD will require me to get two of each unique... The first "C" in CCG rears its ugly head.

Which means my OCD will require me to get two of each unique... The first "C" in CCG rears its ugly head.

Huh? You mean it didn't prior to this thread?

I was there about 4 months back when they announced the game, I quite enjoy Ashes and this just seemed a nice progression on the idea. But I do know that I'll be collecting as much as playing.

The math says I need to give up one of the other games I'm collecting to start this one. I'm sure Awakenings is only the first of many releases for Destiny.