Hello Star Wars RPG community,
I'm going to run the Age of Rebellion Beginner Game and the follow-up adventure soon, and I'm looking for some tips to improve the start of the story and cover up the plot holes.
I'm going to run the game for RPG-beginners who never played before, so I would like to change as little as possible, since I like the way the game introduces the rules step by step while playing.
Those are the points I would like to improve:
1. Proximity Alert: In the follow-up, the PCs receive details proximity alerts when someone approaches the base. Should this be something the players install after taking over the base? Or is there some equipment in any of the books that I could give the players in order to approach the base unnoticed?
2. The garage:
With all the dangerous wildlife on Onderon it feels weird to leave it open.
Should it have a door or an energy field? But then, what happens if the PCs fail to open the door or energy field?
3. Cameras:
Apart from the proximity alert which maybe can be blocked electronically (?), there are cameras all over the base, but especially in the garage.
Either I could argue that the base is seriously understaffed and nobody is watching the cams or the cams have to be disabled before the first encounter.
For 2. and 3. I was planning on integrating the solution into the narrative of cutting the communication line to the sig com tower on the other side of the river. Changing it so, that the line is cut outside of the base and adding sth. along the lines of "Using the energy transmitter port included in the com line, you managed to produce some serious feedback loop, thus momentarily shutting down the base's power until the generator goes through its automated reboot-cycle. With the energy shield down, you manage to rush into the garage unnoticed." And then starting with the first encounter with emergency lighting only and with the cameras down. At a later point when the power comes back up, they either have to take care off the cameras or have to be real stealthy.
So I'm mainly looking for some equipment to solve 1., but I'm also eager to hear better solutions for 2. and 3. without adding too many checks (which might fail and take the story off the rails before it starts) before the first encounter, in order to keep the introductory structure of the game.
Thanks in advance for any input on the matter.
The Force, with you it may be!