Lord of the Rings Event at Castle in Germany

By Nerdmeetsyou, in Player community

Hi fellow players,

each year in March there is a Lord of the Rings card game event in Germany at Castle Stahleck.

In the begining people there played the old "Middle-earth: The Wizards CCG" there, but in recent years more and more players are coming there to play the LotR LCG. Last year nearly 100 people went there and played in the great hall of the castle. Every year there are people there from all of Europe - and sometimes a few international guests.

You can find a report and fotos of the event from two years ago here: http://nerdmeetsyou.de/playing-the-lord-of-the-rings-lcg-at-the-lure-of-meccg-xv/


Next year the event will be happening 10. - 12. March 2017.

On Saturday there will also be a large Fellowship Event with the new 12 player scenario. Other events will be happening on the weekend, too.

All information about the event can be found here:


If there are any questions, just feel free to ask.

Maybe there is someone here who wants to make the trip!