
By Mirviriam, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So who's local MN & plays at the Source? I went down there today, checked out the sign up board & didn't see anyone having games up.

Was also curious if anyone was doing Con of the North...never been to one of those things :)

Who would have thought this question would fall so perfectly into my lap.

Well hi there stranger. I am a local MN player, while I have never played at the source, I could see myself doing so to play some fun games such as Descent. If you find youself wanting to, go ahead and message me and I will see what I can do about getting there.

As for Con of the North, I was there last year. I may or may not be attending this year. It is a wonderful little con, lots of games. Lots and lots.

Im local in MN, and love descent but have never played with anyone but friends. Would like too though.