One thing I hope for.

By TechnoGolem, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I really want them to add some kind of single player element to the game.

As much as I loved the old L5R, it died in my area due to life. My gaming group is now down to a bunch of players that like extremely simplistic and light games, which tend to bore me.

Lately I've been buying more and more games that I can play single player to get my fix with. I'd love it if this offered a single player option so I could get back into L5R.

Probably not likely with this game. Maybe a one versus many variant like in Star Wars LCG but not solitaire

Edited by Toqtamish

FFG does do two very good LCG games (with similar mechanics) which are quite doable solo (or playing "two-handed", with you controlling two or more characters). They're Arkham Horror (the card game) and Lord of the Rings.

Yeah, I think they will come out with a solo experience at some point but I highly highly highly doubt it at launch.

No way FFG does it. Not with Arkham Horror just being released.

Edited by Kakita Shiro

I wouldn't be against such a game; and I probably buy it. However that wouldn't be L5R. What you are asking for is another game set in Rokugan. Probably we will get several of those sooner or later.

Well, considering how FFG has exploited its licences so far, we can assume we'll see several L5R-themed games.

And I'm quite happy about it. :)

Twilight Imperium reskin pls. Secret Objective: "Control Otosan Uchi with 4 Oni Lords" You could just reprint the Ancient Artifact political card straight up as the 12th Black Scroll.

Edited by IsawaChuckles

My hope is that it will be optimal with 3-4 players. As I posted in another thread, 2 player only won't be as popular here with Netrunner already strongly intact for that one-on-one itch.

No way this game is solo. Without some major revision, I doubt the game will be worth playing with more than two players. So far, Thrones is the only competitive LCG which plays more than two successfully.

No way this game is solo. Without some major revision, I doubt the game will be worth playing with more than two players. So far, Thrones is the only competitive LCG which plays more than two successfully.

Yes, but they could do some multiplayer ruleset expansion in future just like they did with fe Cataclysm for Warhammer: Invasion or like AEG did with War of Honor or both Siege boxes.

Edited by kempy

It would be unusual to have a competitive card game focused on multiplayer play. They are rare, and with good reason (if nothing else, there are inherent kingmaker issues that must be addressed). That doesn't mean it's never been done, or that it can't be done (A Game of Thrones, the Babylon 5 CCG, and Vampire: the Eternal Struggle all had significant, sometimes exclusively, multiplayer tournament components). But it's tough, and it's out of the norm. And L5R multiplayer, while it existed, was never particularly successful, and was never a significant element of the competitive scene, so there isn't a history or tradition. I'm not saying that they can't make it focused on 3-4 player play, but I don't see a reason to think that will happen.

Rules for playing with more than 2 players? I would assume that will exist (probably in relatively short order), likely in team and free-for-all variants (one v. many is possible as well, but like the situations kempy references, those require a specific product).

I think the ideal would be for them to do what Magic did and have a video game version where you can play against an AI opponent.

A video game version is nice but I will always perfer to play board/card games against real people for various reasons.

I'm not really concerned with rules for multiplayer. Most CCGs I've played were done with 3+ plus players. One on one games were pretty rare unless I was at an occasional tournament. Sadly all of those players are gone for one reason or another.

I already know about FF's efforts at solo LCGs. I passed on Lord of the Rings because I missed out on a lot of stuff and I am pretty burned out on the standard high fantasy settings. I did order Arkham Horror recently and am greatly looking forward to it.

I know it is extremely unlikely but I really wish they had a version of this similar to AH or LotR. I love the L5R setting but I have a feeling this will be one of those games that sits on my shelf collecting dust, despite me buying every expansion, simply because no one around here is interested in playing. Living in a small town in a low population state makes it extremely difficult to play any board/card games. :(

I'm much in favor of multiplayer for the same reason I like it in my Thrones . Both are very "multiplayer" settings. Like, Star Wars is a two-player battle of light side versus dark side, and most of the games based on it, FFG-era and earlier, have reflected this in their designs. But Legend of the Five Rings is all about alliances and intrigues, an eternal war over the souls of mankind that most of said mankind thinks is mere myth and self-aggrandizement by the Crab Clan, while in the shadows you have the secret society known as the Kolat: an entirely human-based but no less dire threat to the Empire, who think the gods are tyrants and that humanity should be free to govern itself.

Bottom line: What makes L5R such a compelling setting is how multifaceted it is, and restricting it to a two-player game (even as much as I agree that this should be the default tournament format) would be a great shame given the opportunity presented by the reboot.

Edited by MarthWMaster

Melee in AGoTv2 is so much more fun at are casual game nights (the local AgoT competitive group does nit use melee). I would love to see a melee type play in L5R. Team play would be a close second if done well but melee just makes for a great table.

I always participated in the Game of Thrones 1.0 Melee Tournaments at gencon when I had the chance, and I always used an core set 'starter' deck to do so, because multiplayer is all about the kvetching, pity, and backstab, not the cardboard :D

Edited by IsawaChuckles

I'm pretty sure it will be the same with Melee L5R under FFG. :)