Four rules questions

By Hurdoc, in Star Wars: Destiny

1) You have multiple dice with, say, ranged damage, and you want to resolve them. You don't have to resolve them all but do you have to state how many you are resolving from the beginning, or can you decide on the fly as you resolve them one by one? I'm not sure why you would want to do that but just curious.

2) Do you resolve all the specials at once too? So if I had 2 characters and 1 upgrade, all with their specials showing, I could resolve them all as one action, one by one again?

That's what the rules seem to state but it just seemed strange to me that different characters specials would all be activating in one action.

3) When a card like Gaffi Stick says:

Special: " Remove one of your dice showing melee damage to deal 3 damage to a character."

Does that mean a melee symbol even on a modifier die (e.g. +2), or only on the ones that do straight damage?

4) Similar to 3) but a "value" question. Cannon Fodder says:

" Deal one of your non-unique characters damage equal to the value of an opponent's die showing damage (melee or damage ). Then remove that die."

Again, is that only on dice that can do straight damage, or even a modifier die would work?

Edited by Hurdoc

1) I would think you resolve as you go. I can't find a rule which states that you must declare before resolving how many dice you are going to resolve.

2) Page 9 of the rules, under the Special symbol: "Just like other symbols, a player can use multiple special abilities during the same action, and chooses the order that they are resolved in." So I agree with your assessment, as strange as it does sound.

3) Page 9 of the rules, under the section 'RESOLVING DICE THROUGH CARDS' there are two entries which answer questions three and four. So specifically: "A player cannot resolve a modifier by itself." So you cannot resolve the +2 on Gaffi Stick by itself to trigger that ability.

4) Same section: "A player must still pay any resource cost on that die." So if you wanted to resolve Cannon Fodder, you'd have to pay the cost, and no to a modifier.

Hope this helps. If you find something definite on 1) let me know!

Edited by Ajones47

3) Page 9 of the rules, under the section 'RESOLVING DICE THROUGH CARDS' there are two entries which answer questions three and four. So specifically: "A player cannot resolve a modifier by itself." So you cannot resolve the +2 on Gaffi Stick by itself to trigger that ability.

4) Same section: "A player must still pay any resource cost on that die." So if you wanted to resolve Cannon Fodder, you'd have to pay the cost, and no to a modifier.

We're all noobs here by definition, so I'm not sure if these are wrong, but I'd argue with the logic.

In the examples, you aren't "resolving" the dice, you are using them for another purpose. So the real question is does +M count as M? I'd say that it does. The dice SHOW melee damage. Maybe not usable melee damage, but that icon sure is on there.

3) Page 9 of the rules, under the section 'RESOLVING DICE THROUGH CARDS' there are two entries which answer questions three and four. So specifically: "A player cannot resolve a modifier by itself." So you cannot resolve the +2 on Gaffi Stick by itself to trigger that ability.

I think there is a difference between "Resolving Dice Through Cards" and implementing an effect based on what is "showing" on a die.

Page 19 of the rules ("Terms" Section) has the following under the term "Showing" (2nd bullet point):

"Effects which reference a certain symbol showing on a die work with any side showing that symbol, even if it is a modified side."

Since Gaffi Stick uses the term "Showing" and not "Resolve", I'd argue that a die showing a modified melee damage would work.

Just my interpretation.

That's why I asked questions 3 and 4. I'm leaning towards Runnestrand's thought.

I feel that that a "+2 melee" die is a "melee" die in every sense of the word, and a "2" value in every sense of the word.


I could use that to turn a blank die to +3 ranged , to use with an already existing 2 range, to do 5 damage at some point.

Edited by Hurdoc

We're all noobs here by definition, so I'm not sure if these are wrong, but I'd argue with the logic.

"There's no play experience here, unless you've brought it with you!"

You can use the modifier dice with these abilities. You are not resolving the dice, you are merely referring to the values on them.

Correct, this is in the rules:

"If dice of a specific symbol must be removed to trigger an

effect, then it does not matter if those dice can currently be

resolved. Symbols that are modifiers or require a resource

match still count as that symbol."

Correct, this is in the rules:

"If dice of a specific symbol must be removed to trigger an

effect, then it does not matter if those dice can currently be

resolved. Symbols that are modifiers or require a resource

match still count as that symbol."

Thanks, Rogue, that answers 3. So values work the same way, a +2 melee and a 2 melee, either would work with Cannon Fodder?

Correct, this is in the rules:

"If dice of a specific symbol must be removed to trigger an

effect, then it does not matter if those dice can currently be

resolved. Symbols that are modifiers or require a resource

match still count as that symbol."

Thanks, Rogue, that answers 3. So values work the same way, a +2 melee and a 2 melee, either would work with Cannon Fodder?