Official double sided Rey/Kylo promo

By GizmotronX5000, in Star Wars: Destiny

At the prerelease party they were giving away this double sided large promo card. Very cool!



I live in the Netherlands. Please FFG how do we get this over here


I had to work the night of the prerelease, but my awesome girlfriend got me a copy of the acrylic double sided promo, and got it signed by Timothy Zahn :D

I had to work the night of the prerelease, but my awesome girlfriend got me a copy of the acrylic double sided promo, and got it signed by Timothy Zahn :D

Acrylic double sided promo???

First time I've heard of it....

It's not really acrylic like say the range rulers and tokens from X-Wing promos. It's more of a glossy plastic sheet. Kind of like a credit card, but thinner.

Yeah, like the spot glossed plastic alt arts they've been doing for X-Wing, armada, etc.

if promos are used only for eBay speculation, FFG should stop making them...

They should definitely keep making them. For some people (like me for instance) collecting all the promos is a big part of the fun of hitting up different events and tournies. For those that don't care about them, eBaying them is a good way to offset some of the cost of the games. It's kind of a win/win really.