ubiquitous L.o.S. question ... not addressed - assumed?

By Mirviriam, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Alright, spent almost 3 years reading posts on here - everyone asks about line of sight.

My question so far as I can tell either is answered in the manuel (read 3 times) or not addressed.

"How far in a dungeon can players see?"

Fact 1: There's a "gust of wind" spell that limits players to 5 range L.o.S.

Fact 2: From Well of Despair's last senario I have to assume they see at least 20 spaces.

Fact 3: No one explicitly says max player vision under normal circumstances (I might have missed it, doubtly).

Naturally, I assume that there's no limit in the game. Naturally as Overlord, I wish there was :)

Anyone have "Official Ruling"?

Meant 3 hours ... sorry - though it seemed like 3 years :)

As far as I know, nowhere is the maximum LOS mentioned. I assume it is infinite. This may be an issue for the island levels of Sea of Blood, but I haven't play that yet so we'll see.

LoS is infinite unless blocked by an appropriate obstacle or figure (with the usual caveats for spawning.) There is no mention of an upper limit, so there isn't one. In practice corners and doors will usually limit LoS to reasonable ranges (usually), but technically there is no limit.

Range for attacks, however, will be limited by the maximum range and surges (if applicable) on the dice the figure can roll, so players need to be doubly careful in those rare circumstances where unbocked LoS can go farther than 10-15 spaces. Just because you can see your target doesn't mean you can hit him.