Legacy Weapons and Their Abilities

By BananusMaximus, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Greetings and Salutations

So my question was this before the servers apparently went down and somehow did not post my original question.

"When a Heretic with a Legacy Weapon reaches 20, 40, 60,
and 80 Corruption Points, his weapon gains a new Legacy
Ability. If a Heretic has already passed one or more of these
thresholds when he chooses to elevate a Legacy Weapon, the
weapon gains one Ability immediately and another each time
the Heretic’s Corruption Point total reaches a multiple of 10,
until the weapon has reached the same level as its user."

Does this mean if I have a character with say....61CP, does the weapon get 1+ 1 for every 10s in my CP? Or does it mean 1+1 for every 10 (reaching 70 for example) starting from the moment after I elevated the weapon to Legacy status?

The wording is wonky, but I would say the interpretation that makes most sense to me is this:

At 61 Corr your weapon would now gain one Ability immediately, then it would gain a new one at 70, 80, 90, and finally 100 Corr. This is because the weapon is attempting to "catch up" with its wielder.

For example had you been at 41 Corr when you elevated it would gain one immediately, then one at 50 Corr, which would represent the one it missed out on had you passed the 20 Corr mark, followed by the natural 60 Corr threshold and another at 70 Corr following the natural curve.

Thank you for the answer!