FFG Center Preview Event; Trade or Sell Me Your Stuff

By Mattr0polis, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi all,

I won't be able to make the Preview Event tomorrow (I live in Pennsylvania and JUST drove the 15 hours to Minnesota last weekend for Worlds. I WOULD have chosen this preview event over Worlds if FFG had let us know, but as it was they didn't announce this until after Worlds registration, vacation time submitted, travel/hotel, etc, etc was all arranged).


If anyone is going to this and doesn't care a ton about the prize things let me know. Or maybe you care about the prize stuff but would rather have some money towards actual booster packs.

I'm willing to make an offer on the following:

-The commemorative Destiny t-shirt, size Large.

-The double-sided promo card featuring Kylo Ren/Rey.

-Any other cool Destiny memorabilia that wasn't mentioned in the article that may be exclusive to this event.

IM me with an offer and we can make a deal!

Thank you and MTFBWY for anyone who will help!

Edited by Mattr0polis