To Fantasy Flight games and all DUST fans:
Hi, I'm not a hardcore on board games. I only started playing board games two years ago when a friend introduced me to BANG! I was at awe back then... never knew about another genre of games besides PC or console games (played monopoly before in my childhood... but never really got drawn by it, doesn't even know that it was called a "board game"). I actually bought DUST because RISK 2210ad was out of stock at my city's local store. When I opened the package, I was like... COOL!!! with the artworks on the manual and the game pieces. But, because everybody I knew couldn't play it (I'm from Indonesia and the term board game still raises people's eyebrows when you mentioned it), so DUST ended up collecting dust inside my room for a year.
Along the way, I met some people who were willing to try the game and literally fell in love with it. So I look DUST up on BGG. It is highly under rated. Nevertheless, my friends and I kept playing it weekly till now. After countless game sessions and bitter sweet victories (and losses), I think it's time for FFG to make some improvements with DUST. The game is great the way it is, but after reading some forums and negative reviews from numerous sources, I really think it's time to make use of lots of spaces available for improvements in DUST.
Many negative response from players(including myself) might be
1. The game took to long to finish, It's actually took several hours for one game session, we usually took breaks in the middle of the game to avoid brain cramps(Cause by the constantly changing tactics due to the action another player took before you. Which was cool by the way).
2. Not enough action in the game, I think it was mainly caused by the restrictions on how many combat and movement point depicted by the cards. I know it was for the sake of strategy, but it really cut the action down. A world domination game means WAR, we need more action on our turn
3. I'm not familiar with the DUST universe myself, but many players thought that the game is lack of immersion. This is an alternate WWII theme, with aliens technology. Why oh why can't FFG come up with something that can draw the players deeper besides "we command mechs to war... yay!!!" Factions selections and special powers that came with that faction would be nice too.
4. Just release the game with one rule. Me and some of my friends has discussed that maybe those guys at FFG first rule design was the epic rule, they just looking for some excuse to shorten the game with the premium rules or so they can put the slogan "one amazing world two great game" on one piece of paper inside the game box. We find the epic rule is wayyyy more rewarding in many ways. The only down side was... it doubled the duration of the game(which means more brain cramps for my friends).
Many people are sizing DUST with RISK because of their similarities. Rest assure, I'm not one of them, because I never played RISK before. I'm only measuring the maximum amount of fun that DUST could really achieve for all of DUST fans out there. Like I mentioned before, I'm a DUST fan myself, the game is great and I think everybody should give DUST a shot!
If you are a fan of DUST and reading this, please say AYE! Or please add any thoughts on my post.
If you are the staff or game designer of FFG, please give way to an expansion or maybe a new edition of DUST. I think, me and many DUST fans wouldn't mind spending more $ for a perfected game of DUST(which is good for business, see how much I care for of our beloved game making company?). I think a low review shouldn't make you guys close the door on improving the game in the future.
This is my first topic post y'all.
Hope I don't make too many mistakes with my English, and I apologize if any of my post upsets anybody.