Making Proxies for dice?

By alleyman, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I was just perusing Cool Stuff games' website like normal before our weekly board game night to see what has released and I came across this and thought it would be a great idea to use to test decks IRL.

Blank White Dice from WizKids

You could just use a plain old six sided dice as the faces are on all the cards. 1-6 or 6-1 right down the die line.

Edited by netherspirit

You could just use a plain old six sided dice as the faces are on all the cards. 1-6 or 6-1 right down the die line.

this is very true, but I think this is slightly better, since you can write on the faces so you don't have to reference the cards as much. but in a pinch a normal D6 would be just fine :)

You could just use a plain old six sided dice as the faces are on all the cards. 1-6 or 6-1 right down the die line.

That's my plan! If I want a second dice of a card I only have a single for in casual play... a standard d6 will do the job!

Edited by Stone37

A standard d6 probably works just fine, so long as everyone remains cognizant of which card each d6 belongs to. Also if using multiple you'd need to roll them one at a time, lest you (consciously or unconsciously) select the best results for the cards you're rolling.

If you are feeling fancy, though, there's always TheGameCrafter. Grab a few of these:

Yellow.jpg Red.jpg Blue.jpg

And then use their attached sticker creation service to print up the necessary die faces. As long as you leave the product on 'prototype' mode you will be able to order them for yourself, as GC doesn't screen prototypes for copyright violation (only products for sale in their shop). Of course, being stickers on dice, these will be vastly inferior products to FFG's plastic-injected goodness, but they do have the advantage of being easier to read in context with the game than the pips on a d6.

Plus, if your photoshop-fu is strong, you could even go this route and create special dice for your characters, using things like Mcquarrie's fantastic concept art.


Obviously none of this tournament legal (and it's borderline legal-legal) but something to keep in mind for those of us like me who are persnickety and would rather spend money making their own prototypes than roughing it with an unmarked d6. :D

Ajones47 does not condone copyright infringement, dice fraud, grand dice larceny or attempted grand dice larceny. All suggestions are hypothetical and belong to the mind in which they're thunk. Ajones47 has a deep and everlasting love for FFG and all of their products, and he thinks their game designers smell good. Please don't ban me. If you want to steal the idea of making special edition McQuarrie art dice for tournament prizes I would love you forever.

A standard d6 probably works just fine, so long as everyone remains cognizant of which card each d6 belongs to. Also if using multiple you'd need to roll them one at a time, lest you (consciously or unconsciously) select the best results for the cards you're rolling.

If you are feeling fancy, though, there's always TheGameCrafter. Grab a few of these:

Yellow.jpg Red.jpg Blue.jpg

And then use their attached sticker creation service to print up the necessary die faces. As long as you leave the product on 'prototype' mode you will be able to order them for yourself, as GC doesn't screen prototypes for copyright violation (only products for sale in their shop). Of course, being stickers on dice, these will be vastly inferior products to FFG's plastic-injected goodness, but they do have the advantage of being easier to read in context with the game than the pips on a d6.

Plus, if your photoshop-fu is strong, you could even go this route and create special dice for your characters, using things like Mcquarrie's fantastic concept art.


Obviously none of this tournament legal (and it's borderline legal-legal) but something to keep in mind for those of us like me who are persnickety and would rather spend money making their own prototypes than roughing it with an unmarked d6. :D

Ajones47 does not condone copyright infringement, dice fraud, grand dice larceny or attempted grand dice larceny. All suggestions are hypothetical and belong to the mind in which they're thunk. Ajones47 has a deep and everlasting love for FFG and all of their products, and he thinks their game designers smell good. Please don't ban me. If you want to steal the idea of making special edition McQuarrie art dice for tournament prizes I would love you forever.

I like this idea and the dice look great! If I wanted to make a more 'permanent' die for casual play, I'd definitely would go this route. What I like about the blank white dice, is that you can quickly just erase what's on the die and use it for something else, if the build does not work out.

Does the standard Blank White dice that Darksbane suggested take wet or dry-erase markers well? If they are, I'd certainly try them. Also, the dice in "Blank White Dice" appear to be 22mm as well, and are shaped almost to the "T" of that of destiny dice.

To me, its the closest thing to the actual dice, without sacrificing extra time to produce them, or reducing practicality. Albeit, this is a more expensive option, as around 15 bucks gets you only 8 22mm dice. I also played the game inside the box, and it is quite good! This is completely subjective of course. The options you guys listed are very good choices as well! ^_^

Wow, those Rattlebone dice are both cheap and they look great. Nice find.

or hopefully all the dice will be added to the Star Wars dice app!

or hopefully all the dice will be added to the Star Wars dice app!

Seeing how the app is tournament legal, I'm not holding by breath... Would be cool though!