The Chance Cube: Episode IX – A Star Wars Family

By JediGeekGirl, in Star Wars: Destiny

Join us this week as cover all the latest Star Wars: Destiny news, analyze card #38 Rey, and dive into this week’s topic, “A Star Wars Family,” where we speak with Alan Nauman ( @alanshotfirst ) and his son Matthew regarding their experiences playing the game at the FFG World demo sessions and the importance of sharing games and Star Wars as a family. We also find out the winner of last weeks giveaway and tell you how to enter for a chance at our next one!

So keep your credits close and enemies closer, as we explore Star Wars: Destiny!

Having trouble listening on iTunes. It could be just my device. Love all the content thus far and just found your show!

Having trouble listening on iTunes. It could be just my device. Love all the content thus far and just found your show!

Thank you :) I am a huge fan of your podcast as well.

JediGeekGirl, Please speak a little louder on the podcast. The volume disparity from you 2 is way to high. Other then that, I really enjoy the listen, thank you

JediGeekGirl, Please speak a little louder on the podcast. The volume disparity from you 2 is way to high. Other then that, I really enjoy the listen, thank you

Thank you for that feedback. That is weird because when I listen to it, there seem to be no problems. It could be your device or listening method but ether way I will do what I can, when I can to fix that for you. Till then we will see what we can do about the levels. Thank you for listening :)

Can I make a request?

I have just finished watching Rebels Season 2 on DVD, they just came out last week. So please, pretty please with sugar on top, watch the spoilers.

Can I make a request?

I have just finished watching Rebels Season 2 on DVD, they just came out last week. So please, pretty please with sugar on top, watch the spoilers.

We will definitely try and do that. I hope we didn't wreck anything for you. Thank you for listening and your feedback.

JediGeekGirl, Please speak a little louder on the podcast. The volume disparity from you 2 is way to high. Other then that, I really enjoy the listen, thank you

Thank you for the feedback. I was using a new mic on this episode and had it way too hot. I'll adjust it next week so that there is more balance between the two.

Thank you for listening!

Can I make a request?

I have just finished watching Rebels Season 2 on DVD, they just came out last week. So please, pretty please with sugar on top, watch the spoilers.

We will definitely try and do that. I hope we didn't wreck anything for you. Thank you for listening and your feedback.

Oh I feel aweful! Neither of us want to spoil anything and I'm not even sure why I never considered Rebels in that. Our lips our sealed from now on! Thanks for listening!

Don't feel terrible, I do have the power of fast forward and have used it. Maybe you could just intro the talk on the TV show? "If you haven't seen it you may like to jump ahead a few minutes...."

I also have to say thanks to you both for mentioning Ashoka, bought the book and devoured it after you spoke of it. Probably would have missed it otherwise.

Don't feel terrible, I do have the power of fast forward and have used it. Maybe you could just intro the talk on the TV show? "If you haven't seen it you may like to jump ahead a few minutes...."

I also have to say thanks to you both for mentioning Ashoka, bought the book and devoured it after you spoke of it. Probably would have missed it otherwise.

You are welcome. Ahsoka is a wonderful book and I'm glad that you had a chance to pick it up and consume it. We will take care of the spoilers issue and thanks again for listening :)

I love this episode's emphasis on board gaming as a family activity! I'll be bringing both of my sons (8 and 6 years old) to a launch party next weekend. I've been sharing spoilers with them for a while now, and though they may not understand everything, its a unique way for us to bond and have fun together!

I also have to say thanks to you both for mentioning Ashoka, bought the book and devoured it after you spoke of it. Probably would have missed it otherwise.

For more Ahsoka goodness, check out the "Untold Tales of Ahsoka" panel from SWCE this year. It's amazing.

I love this episode's emphasis on board gaming as a family activity! I'll be bringing both of my sons (8 and 6 years old) to a launch party next weekend. I've been sharing spoilers with them for a while now, and though they may not understand everything, its a unique way for us to bond and have fun together!

As I said before and I will say again, that is the part of the game I am glad to see and I hope gets explored. Yes this game can have many layers but the brand is a family brand and it's important not to forget that. I hope you and your family have a good time and I hope you feel free to share your experience. Have fun :)