I recently found there are L5R novels that you can download for free as pdf files and that describe/explore the world of L5R. Some people have recommended the "third and fourth edition", but I don't know where to find them. Can someone share a link? Also what novels would you recommend I start with? Thank you.
Where can I find the novels/story of the L5R universe?
Thank you!
Yes. sorry, wrong link. Thanks for the correction.
watch the novel none of them are cannon.
watch the novel none of them are cannon.
thats not entirely true. iirc some of the clan novels are considered more or less canon, tho for the life of me i can't recall which ones. i'm sure someone will know which.
Avoid the clan novels. They're bad.
watch the novel none of them are cannon.
thats not entirely true. iirc some of the clan novels are considered more or less canon, tho for the life of me i can't recall which ones. i'm sure someone will know which.
The one by Rich Wulf is considered canon because when it was written he was still writing for L5r.