KoR Let’s Discuss: Force Misdirection

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny


Blue Hero Card, Event, 1 Resource. Choose a symbol showing on one of your Blue dice. Then remove all of an opponent’s dice showing that symbol.

It feels flavourful to me that this card is not about brute force. It requires a little cunning, a little thoughtfulness to really get the most bang for your buck.

This card is obviously going to end up getting the most traction in a deck with a lot of Blue, either in terms of Hero dice, or Upgrade/Support dice. More Blue dice on your side of the table means more versatility for this card.

This card can be used primarily in two ways (I think, anyway…). The first method is what I would consider to be the “Toolbox” method, where you have a character like Rey loaded up with a range of Upgrades that give her a few dice with a solid spread of icons. This means that you can have a reasonable shot at rolling something you’ll need when you need it, or at the very least have the dice that have the symbols you want to deny your opponent. The other way you can use this card is as more of a “Sure Thing” denial card. You have a Blue character loaded up with cards that boost Ranged and Melee damage, and Resources. You’ll be guaranteed to see some of these sides on your dice, and your opponent’s dice, meaning that you’ll perhaps be more likely to get more frequent use from Force Misdirection (an Elite Qui-Gon with ‘Jedi Robes’, for instance, means it’s pretty likely you’ll be able to stop Melee and Resources, as well as Shields pretty reliably)....


Can we take a moment to appreciate how smug Luke looks in the card art?

Can we take a moment to appreciate how smug Luke looks in the card art?

Looks a bit like old Kenobi on the Death Star doesn't he?

I also like that you could focus one of your dice to a side you really want and then remove all those icons.
So even if you don't roll melee damage, you could use other means to change a dice to melee.... I might look like you're just going for some more damage, and then BAM, you remove all their melee damage.

The beauty of this card is that it is able to remove what you decide to remove. If you roll a mix of symbols then your opponent won't know what you intend on removing, as well as they have to fear the chance that you're holding this card in your hand. Its a threat just for having been printed and I love that.

I think this card is exceedingly useful to remove specials that loom the battlefield as well.

I think this card is exceedingly useful to remove specials that loom the battlefield as well.

I actually didn't consider that choice. But its still a very powerful option. :)

how about removing blanks. It is a symbol stated in the refference so those 2 blank troopers could be out of the round fast.

how about removing blanks. It is a symbol stated in the refference so those 2 blank troopers could be out of the round fast.

I don't see why not. It is a symbol. Another great observation :)

Question: can you use this on a blue die you've already resolved? Like, as in, one you've removed already?

When dice are not in a dice pool, they are placed on their matching card.

  • These dice are not active, cannot be manipulated,and none of their sides are considered to be showing.
