KoR Let’s Discuss: Boundless Ambition

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny


Welcome to day one of our Blue Card Week. FFG posted a lot of new spoilers not only on their website but from Worlds as well. We are combining cards from their Friday article as well as exclusives Jay was able to find thanks to Team Covenant and FFG while he was at Worlds.

The first card this week is Boundless Ambition. A Blue event Villain card that costs 1 resource, and it states “Draw cards up to your hand size.” This is a very simple card for this article, but what it offers is a lot of options and combo potential. The most interesting part of this card is how its written. The card could say “draw up to 5 cards” but it says “hand size” instead. Based on other cards we have seen referenced in the FFG rules reference, we suspect there are cards that increase Villain hand sizes. And in the future there could also be cards that reduce a player’s hand size. So this card is very unique because it does not always draw a fixed amount of cards when played....


I have a lot of hope for the continued balance and creativity of this game. FFG has learned a lot from their previous successes in similar games. The Force should be strong with this one.

Agreed. This game has shown very strong balance as well a thought for the design, mechanics and player interactions. Lukas did a great job with Destiny.

Don´t jump to the conclusion that Star Wars: Destiny is balanced. I have yet to see any competitive FFG game that is even remotely balanced.

Don´t jump to the conclusion that Star Wars: Destiny is balanced. I have yet to see any competitive FFG game that is even remotely balanced.

I didn't say it was balanced, no CCG is. But you can tell they have worked hard in an attempt to balance the game as best they could.

Don´t jump to the conclusion that Star Wars: Destiny is balanced. I have yet to see any competitive FFG game that is even remotely balanced.

I didn't say it was balanced, no CCG is. But you can tell they have worked hard in an attempt to balance the game as best they could.

ahh, ok, gotcha.

Don´t jump to the conclusion that Star Wars: Destiny is balanced. I have yet to see any competitive FFG game that is even remotely balanced.

I could not disagree more, having competed in many FFG tournaments at many levels and in many games. X-wing has been a huge tournament success and the meta is constantly changing. Imperial Assault dealt with balance issues early on, and is now enjoy a great tournament scene. Android Netrunner has been a success in European market especially.

A CCG is a bit different. Every player does not technically have access to all the same cards/dice. They will have to be careful not to create one ultra strong combination.

Don´t jump to the conclusion that Star Wars: Destiny is balanced. I have yet to see any competitive FFG game that is even remotely balanced.

I could not disagree more, having competed in many FFG tournaments at many levels and in many games. X-wing has been a huge tournament success and the meta is constantly changing. Imperial Assault dealt with balance issues early on, and is now enjoy a great tournament scene. Android Netrunner has been a success in European market especially.

A CCG is a bit different. Every player does not technically have access to all the same cards/dice. They will have to be careful not to create one ultra strong combination.

I play Netrunner at tournaments and really you want to tell me that Netrunner is balanced one week after worlds saw 16xNBN, 14 Anarch and 2 Shapers in the Top 16? Really???? Balance among all 7(+3) factions????? How many Anarch and NBN cards are on the NAPD-List? 7 of 15, don´t forget that astroscript was limited because they realized after 3! years how overpowered that card was. And still those two factions dominated? Yeah sure that is a balanced game.

I love playing Netrunner at tournaments (except that destructive IG deck killed my enjoyment but that got FAQed) but that game never was balanced. It is a great game though.

Play "Lying in Wait" either when they claim the BF or when you run out of cards on a turn. My scenario they have almost a full hand and looking pretty happy about it. I play LIW then they discard. I then play this card "Boundless Ambition". Who is laughing now! Mwhahaha

There are so many combos and fun ways to play this game!!! I am so excited. December 1st needs to get here faster. (Although I am ready for some good eats during Thanksgiving)

The meta of many FFG games isn't to be taken as a "point in time" but rather how it evolves over time.

In Armada we saw a rather strong Imperial fleet do well at the Regionals, while at worlds the Rebel lists were dominating. This was all during the same wave with no additional cards or ships to play with.

I feel the same may well happen with Destiny, a deck archetype will do well at the start and slowly the counter decks will evolve, then decks that counter the counters and so on in an ongoing process.

Pretty much, thats the ebb and flow of CCG's. A list does well, counter decks evolve. Counter decks become meta, then new counter decks are created. And so on and so on.

The first time I saw this card I thought it was amazing, however with a little bit of consideration I have revised my opinion to just good. In many other card games refilling your hand is amazing however with this game where you refill your hand at the start of each round the effect of the card is far less impacting.

Then if you factor in that the availability of resources is heavily limited in the game the card becomes less valuable again as what you draw you will most likely have little opportunity to actually play any of the cards you draw.

I could see this being a potential centrepiece card if you were to play a deck with a high number of 0 resource cost cards, low impact but high output could be a legitimate strategy.

Additionally any card that counts cards in your hand make this card have more options, along with 1 card revealed so far that pumps up the number on a dice for each card you discard.

Short of those effects however it seems this card does little more than cost a resource to do something that you get to do at the start of the next round anyway.

The meta of many FFG games isn't to be taken as a "point in time" but rather how it evolves over time.

In Armada we saw a rather strong Imperial fleet do well at the Regionals, while at worlds the Rebel lists were dominating. This was all during the same wave with no additional cards or ships to play with.

I feel the same may well happen with Destiny, a deck archetype will do well at the start and slowly the counter decks will evolve, then decks that counter the counters and so on in an ongoing process.

Strong swings in a single archetype dominating the meta is a sign of bad game balance.

Edit: And to clarify before you say it, yes, this applies even within the same wave. The fact that someone hadn't discovered the better setup at the earlier event does not make it balanced.

Edited by Buhallin