My Custom Sheets Update

By LeighPouse, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hi all, a while back I posted the sheets that me and my group use. They are designed by one of my players and I thought they were worthy of sharing.

In the above album you will find the previous four sheets I shared.

1. Character Sheet - Colour coded Characteristics and skills so you have easier visual representation of what is linked. A Characteristic box for Force Rating. Spaces for Duty, Obligation & Morality so you can use it across any line.

2. Inventory Sheet - Spaces for Backpack & Belt Items (Stuff you take with you), we typically use the rest of the space for stuff in storage (ie, base or ship).

3. Armour, Weapons & Cybernetics - Pretty self explanatory, we do now use small Bridge sized cards for storing Armour and Weapons on and they will be coming soon(ish).

4. NPC/Companion Sheet - Again pretty self explanatory, we use these for NPC or Companion characters as they are typically simpler than player characters.

The latest entry to the collection is our Session Sheets. This sheet is really useful, we use damage and strain tokens from Imperial Assault to track damage and strain in their respective zones. You can track your conflict per session and place any commited force dice in their own section (top right). The bottom is for marking if you have any banked Boost or Setback dice for your next roll (with 6 players and a lot of talking it can be hard to remember by the time it gets round to you actually rolling).

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy these or even get some use out of them.


Edited by LeighPouse

They look pretty nice!

The one observation I’d make is that the word “Encumbrance” could be abbreviated “Encumb.”, but would be mis-spelled if it was abbreviated “Emcumb.” instead.

Check the sheet at

They look pretty nice!

The one observation I’d make is that the word “Encumbrance” could be abbreviated “Encumb.”, but would be mis-spelled if it was abbreviated “Emcumb.” instead.

Check the sheet at

Oh wow haha, never noticed that in nearly two years.

These might come in useful for my party...Yes, I think they definitely will!

These might come in useful for my party...Yes, I think they definitely will!

Enjoy :)