Rules Question: Triggered Abilities and the Queue

By captainraffi, in Star Wars: Destiny

I posted a rules question over on BGG regarding triggered abilities and the Queue. The primary question is:

What happens when there are a couple of "After" abilities in the queue, and the resolution of one of them triggers new After abilities?


Player 1 deals damage to a character which triggers After Ability 1, After Ability 2, and After Ability 3. Resolving AA1 triggers a new After Ability 4.

Does AA4 resolve after AA3? Or does it jump to the front of a new Queue that is resolved immediately after AA1.

I posted a rules question over on BGG regarding triggered abilities and the Queue. The primary question is:

What happens when there are a couple of "After" abilities in the queue, and the resolution of one of them triggers new After abilities?


Player 1 deals damage to a character which triggers After Ability 1, After Ability 2, and After Ability 3. Resolving AA1 triggers a new After Ability 4.

Does AA4 resolve after AA3? Or does it jump to the front of a new Queue that is resolved immediately after AA1.

Can you explain a specific example?

If you are playing the cards then you play them in order and they resolve from first played to last played. If both players play cards with after effects, then who ever controls the battlefield will determine the order they resolve and I may guess that he doesn't just inject his card into your part of the queue but completely rearranges things to suit. Once triggered, even if the trigger leaves play you still resolve your card effects, so your opponent cannot arrange the order as to remove your effect.

From Page 16:


A triggered ability has a trigger condition and an effect. When a triggered ability meets its trigger condition, the ability resolves.There are two types of triggered abilities: ”after” and “before” abilities.

* Triggered abilities exist independently of their source. Once triggered, the entire ability resolves, even if the card it was on leaves play.


If, during the course of a game, an after ability meets its trigger condition, it resolves following the resolution of the trigger condition. Unlike before abilities, after abilities do not interrupt the flow of the game, and instead wait their turn in the queue to resolve.

Example: Comlink (r61) says “After you play this upgrade, you may reroll any number of your dice or any number of your opponent’s dice.” The effect of playing the card must fully resolve (paying the cost, choosing a character to attach it to), and then the after ability resolves.


After abilities enter an imaginary line once they meet their trigger conditions, known as the queue. They wait in the queue until the trigger condition is complete. If the trigger condition was part of another ability, that entire ability is completed before the after ability resolves. Abilities in the queue are resolved in the order they entered it. Each one must fully resolve before the next one resolves. If, during the resolution of an ability in the queue, another ability is added, it moves to “the end” of the queue and is resolved last.
••Abilities enter and leave the queue in chronological order, based on a “first in, first out” principle.
••If two or more abilities have the same trigger condition, the player who controls the battlefield decides the order they enter the queue.

I posted a rules question over on BGG regarding triggered abilities and the Queue. The primary question is:

What happens when there are a couple of "After" abilities in the queue, and the resolution of one of them triggers new After abilities?


Player 1 deals damage to a character which triggers After Ability 1, After Ability 2, and After Ability 3. Resolving AA1 triggers a new After Ability 4.

Does AA4 resolve after AA3? Or does it jump to the front of a new Queue that is resolved immediately after AA1.

Can you explain a specific example?

Not yet, I'm dealing only in hypotheticals until I have more cards in hand. But if you're OK with hypotheticals, I can make this up:

Card 1: After a character takes damage, place a shield on them.

Card 2: After a character takes damage, reroll any dice in your pool.

Card 3: After a character takes damage, deal 1 damage to an opponent's card.

Card 4: After you place a shield on a character, focus 1 die.

You deal damage to a character. The after abilities 1, 2, and 3 enter the Queue in the order determined by the battlefield controller. Now you start resolving them:

1: Place a shield on a character.

At this point you've triggered the After Ability on Card 4. My question is: does it resolve immediately, or does it go to the end of the line?

I believe it goes to the end of the line. But since Before Abilities don't go into the queue and instead interrupt, and may trigger their OWN after could get weird.

Edited by captainraffi