Ideas for a adventure

By CornyTDog2000, in Game Masters

So I'm gonna be a new Gm and am not new to the game. I would like some adventure ideas to kick off a really exciting interesting great campaign

So first off what books or beginner game sets do you have?

Also do you have any other games that come with maps like those sold by Paizo?

Well here goes;

1) The ship you were aboard is shot down by pirates leaving you stranded on a small forested moon.

They're searching for you so you need to find a hiding place until you can figure out what to do?

Would you backtrack the pirates and steal one of their ships?

The moon orbits a gas giant named Yavin which was home to a rebel base until the Empire demolished it in revenge for the destruction of the Death Star speaking of which the pirates have a base inside a still inhabitable portion of its debris...

Did I mention the Pirates are working for the Empire?

2) You land on an oil rig-like facility located on a water world during a storm.

Due to the TIEs that were following you tried to blow up the rig with them inside it submerged to avoid destruction so they're stuck inside a submerged facility that won't resurface until the storm subsides twelve hours from now and 4 hours in the Empire drops in some aquatic stormtroopers to seize control as the facility was a rebel as well as a Smugglers storehouse but they aren't going to worry about which they are!

It depends on your players where do they want to go?

I am just about to start GMing myself and I have gotten and written quite a few stories for the campaign (if it ever gets off the ground :( ).

Anyway ask questions like how do they view the empire? rebels? or are they just trying to get by in this galaxy?

A few ideas that I had
- they crash on/sent to investigate a moon where an early experiment of Project I71A has taken place (Death troopers, just have weaker and slower storm troopers who don't die) where they have to team up with Imperial survivors to escape who is just a few scientists, some storm troopers and a lieutenant who is open minded of others.
- Altering the AoR GM kit mission (for the opener it might help to make the things a little easier)

- A quest were the characters meet a heavily pregnant woman (whose husband is no longer there) and is having troubles with things moving around her house. It will turn out that her unborn child is heavily force sensitive which then leads the party on a quest to find something to null the force (there are some things in legends that I know of and it is a galaxy maybe there is something out there)

Edited by Kezza921

Here's the setup I gave my players. We are all and I asked them if they'd be ok with this first.

Working in the EotE setting they created their Outer Rim shady characters.

The group of PCs were not a pre-existing team. The first session began with a short solo intro encounter for each individual PC that touched a little bit on their backstory. At the end of each of their encounters they were greated by a Protocol Droid (another PC) that invited them to a meeting with an up-and-coming Crime Boss on Randon. Without explaining how (and to this day they haven't investigated his methods) the CB knew who and where they were and he wanted to hire them for a job.

The plot had them then travel to a mostly derelict space station that served as a cantina & refueling point for smugglers at the far edge of Hutt Space to retrieve a ship that was stolen from the CB by a pirate gang. The ship had a special cargo that was to be exchanged to a Hutt on Nar Shadaa for something that belonged to the CB. The team was provided a cover story as workers on a freighter that was traveling in that system and was dropped off at the station.

Once at the station they split up. One part of them team searched the abandoned portions of the station for a side quest item while the others entered a Sabaac game with the pirate gang leader, to try and win the ship. For my guys chaos ensued and they took the ship by force as a different pirate gang started to attack the station

The cargo containers had a high security lock system that the pirates couldn't unlock. And undisclosed to the team contained slaves frozen in carbonite. Once in the ship the team went to NS only to be ambushed by the Hutt's guards. The team escapes, in the ship, and ends up hiding in a refugee shanty town. They then learn the truth about the cargo they are carrying and that it was to be used to pay off the Hutt that was holding CB's son hostage for blackmail.

Along they way I threw several side quests and a reoccurring friendly NPC into the mix. The NPC was a BH working for Zahn and actually blow a hole in the space station wall to kill tbe same pirate gang leader the PCs were gambling with. She also intervened when the PCs arrived at NS to redirect them away from the ambush. My intent was to have her around to help the PCs if they asked for it, but they managed on their own. Not without a few blunders and becoming an enemy of the Hutt. The CB is now a contact for work and he let them keep the ship as partial payment. THe BH is also a job contact for the future.

Overall my PCs, some RPG veterans, have been enjoying it.

Books EOTE and F&D my apologies

Corny, do you know what your players will be creating for characters? Do you know what sort of campaign you're wanting to run as far as it being serial or episodic? Will there be a focus on the game, like, they are smugglers, or they are bounty hunters, or they are... whatever? Will the group be mobile, or will they be stationary?

I will reply to this thread in a bit with more info of my players in hopes that it might be of more help

First thing you should do is talk to your players to see what it is they wanna do and then compare that tot he type of things you wanna do if your lucky like me your players will probably say something like they don't care what happens as long as they have fun.

Then you should decide what era or time in Star Wars you want your campaign to be in as for me I'm a huge fan of KoTOR 1 and 2 so I put my characters in the TOR era if for no other reason then I wanted to be able to freely have as many Jedi and Sith as I wanted with out questions being asked.

Once you got a an idea of what your players wanna do and where and when you are going to place them you can move on from there for an intro game I would focus on putting players in situations where they could do cool stuff and learn the mechanics of the game.

To avoid opening similar topics, I will allow myself to write here. Hope @CornyTDog2000 wont be mad on me :) .

One of my players that may be lurking here is asked not to read what comes next :) .





After listening to the Order 66 podcast ep49 - "Now I Am The Master And Commander", I am inspired to run a short adventure for my hometown team that I will visit for Christmas. However, I do not want to run pure space combat adventure, I want to make it as final of the adventure, as a surprise as we have never ever played a space or mass combat.

I have came up with such idea, any comments, advices are appreciated:

The PCs are posted on a planet, base or station that is attacked by the rebel scums. The communication is destroyed immediately and the base is overran due to the sabotage of TIEs, sliced droids, cut power to poor discipline in a frontier base. The PCs must fight their way from an officer mess to command post only to learn that there is no hope and they have to evacuate. They should go to the hangar to flee to safety. However, the only astrogation coordinates are to the newly constructing nearby listening post guarded by a Nebulon-B frigate. Just before they jump to hyperspace, they see an Imp shuttle coming out of hyperspace and being intercepted and disabled by the rebel scums. They get there only to find that the high command of the capital ship just went to their base called apperatenly by their commander, so they know that they are not coming back. Due to the rank, the PCs take command of the starship just as the rebels come out of hyperspace and move toward them. The space combat begins (I still need to evaluate what kind of capital ships should there be for a fair fight). Due to the asteroid field they cannot simply run away, also they are reminded that the frigate was posted here to protect the newly build listening post.

PCs: Commodore (navy officer - command crew), Gunner (army officer - weapons crew), Analyst (intelligence officer - bridge & technical crew), Squadron leader (navy officer - commanding starfighters but that character would have to "play" alone). Perhaps someone should have specialization for engineer.

Edited by NicoDavout