Worlds Builds

By zhentil, in Star Wars: The Card Game

Anyone got info for at least the top 4. I thought twitch feed was going to show the finals but maybe i missed it.

Correct. There will be a lot of footage posted in the coming days. It was an exciting tournament with a lot of variety.

Norman, nate nuhrig and i were all running my spark and navy decks.

2x might of the empire

2 x tarkin doc

2 x enforced loyalty

1x zed

1x golan

1x gladiators

1x executor

2x spark

2x zeb

2x mtfbwy

1 x gamor

1x Dash

1 x mystics

1 x SoY4

I'm not sure what's up with cardgamedb but I figured I should post my list somewhere. Here's what I ran that got #3 after swiss and lasted me until the 5/6 slot in the top cut:


2x Cracken, Undercover Brother, Falcon, Yoda

1x Gamor, Zeb


2x Mara, GA Vader, Core Palp

1x Inquisitor, Arden Lynn, Sariss, IE Tarkin

I'll make sure to do a full tourney report in the very near future.

As for the winner: I played against his DS deck in the top and it's pretty basic Navy. I believe his list was:


2x Tarkin, Yularen, Chimaera

1x Golans, Needs, Gladiators, something else.

That last pod was probably a 2nd gladiators, but I'm not 100% sure. The other 9 are for sure there.

I'm not sure what's up with cardgamedb but I figured I should post my list somewhere. Here's what I ran that got #3 after swiss and lasted me until the 5/6 slot in the top cut:


2x Cracken, Undercover Brother, Falcon, Yoda

1x Gamor, Zeb


2x Mara, GA Vader, Core Palp

1x Inquisitor, Arden Lynn, Sariss, IE Tarkin

I'll make sure to do a full tourney report in the very near future.

As for the winner: I played against his DS deck in the top and it's pretty basic Navy. I believe his list was:


2x Tarkin, Yularen, Chimaera

1x Golans, Needs, Gladiators, something else.

That last pod was probably a 2nd gladiators, but I'm not 100% sure. The other 9 are for sure there.

I can confirm that bc in the game I played against him in swiss, he had 4 gladiators out. Which pretty much = game loss.

The Zeb Spark deck was really cool and so was Donovan's Brainiac deck with Master's Domain that knocked me out.

I made 5th/6th with:

Affiliation: Rebel


Core Luke x2

Qu Rahn x2

Jedi Leia x1

Secret of Yavin IV x1

Bren Derlin x1

Rebel Kyle x1

Affiiliation: Scum

Bane Malar x2

GA Palpatine x2

GA Vader x2

Core Palpatine x1

Killing Cold x1

Terentateks x1

Worms x1