Anyone got info for at least the top 4. I thought twitch feed was going to show the finals but maybe i missed it.
Worlds Builds
Was still recorded but they played early as one of the players was feeling ill so they moved up the schedule rather than waiting to play.
Correct. There will be a lot of footage posted in the coming days. It was an exciting tournament with a lot of variety.
Norman, nate nuhrig and i were all running my spark and navy decks.
2x might of the empire
2 x tarkin doc
2 x enforced loyalty
1x zed
1x golan
1x gladiators
1x executor
2x spark
2x zeb
2x mtfbwy
1 x gamor
1x Dash
1 x mystics
1 x SoY4
I'm not sure what's up with cardgamedb but I figured I should post my list somewhere. Here's what I ran that got #3 after swiss and lasted me until the 5/6 slot in the top cut:
2x Cracken, Undercover Brother, Falcon, Yoda
1x Gamor, Zeb
2x Mara, GA Vader, Core Palp
1x Inquisitor, Arden Lynn, Sariss, IE Tarkin
I'll make sure to do a full tourney report in the very near future.
As for the winner: I played against his DS deck in the top and it's pretty basic Navy. I believe his list was:
2x Tarkin, Yularen, Chimaera
1x Golans, Needs, Gladiators, something else.
That last pod was probably a 2nd gladiators, but I'm not 100% sure. The other 9 are for sure there.
I'm not sure what's up with cardgamedb but I figured I should post my list somewhere. Here's what I ran that got #3 after swiss and lasted me until the 5/6 slot in the top cut:
2x Cracken, Undercover Brother, Falcon, Yoda
1x Gamor, Zeb
2x Mara, GA Vader, Core Palp
1x Inquisitor, Arden Lynn, Sariss, IE Tarkin
I'll make sure to do a full tourney report in the very near future.
As for the winner: I played against his DS deck in the top and it's pretty basic Navy. I believe his list was:
2x Tarkin, Yularen, Chimaera
1x Golans, Needs, Gladiators, something else.
That last pod was probably a 2nd gladiators, but I'm not 100% sure. The other 9 are for sure there.
I can confirm that bc in the game I played against him in swiss, he had 4 gladiators out. Which pretty much = game loss.
The Zeb Spark deck was really cool and so was Donovan's Brainiac deck with Master's Domain that knocked me out.
I made 5th/6th with:
Affiliation: Rebel
Core Luke x2
Qu Rahn x2
Jedi Leia x1
Secret of Yavin IV x1
Bren Derlin x1
Rebel Kyle x1
Affiiliation: Scum
Bane Malar x2
GA Palpatine x2
GA Vader x2
Core Palpatine x1
Killing Cold x1
Terentateks x1
Worms x1