Fire Control Team/Dodonna's Pride

By Bakura83, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

If I have fire control team, can I choose Dodanna's Pride critical effect as the additional effect, after the first one has triggered? Or does the "cancel all dice" part mean that fire-control team cannot activate?

I'm sure the answer is obvious but it's really bugging me.

You can't equip FCT so it doesn't matter...

Yes, but...

Its irrelevent on many fronts...

The first being that Fire Control Team is a Gunnery Team option that Corvettes do not have.

But, let us assume that you could ...

Yes. But that's kinda not the point -

The question is - What is your first critical effect?

If it is the Default Critical Effect, then its "The first Damage card dealt by this attack is face up"... And the Second Crit, being Dodonna's pride, will cancel all of the dice used to calculate damage FOR that first Damage Card...

So it kinda makes it irrelevent...

You would have to have an Ion Cannon upgrade with a Critical Effect, and then Fire control Team...

You would then have to Resolve the Ion cannon Critical effect, then Exhaust Fire control Team, then cancel all of your Dice for Dodonna....

It would net you the two critical effects.... In so much that they could work together.

Edited by Drasnighta

And if you could:

Roll attack dice, get at least one crit.

Defender selects defence tokens.

Choose to use dodonnas pride, fct and default crit effect.

Dodonnas pride cancels all die. Default crit effect flips first damage card dealt to defender.

No card is dealt to defender.

So that was a bit of a waste.

Fortunately, you cant equip it anyway.

C'mon Gink! Ion Cannon Batteries! They'd work!

C'mon Gink! Ion Cannon Batteries! They'd work!

Yeah, but that would be ion cannon batteries!

Whats wrong with tractor beams?

You can't equip FCT so it doesn't matter...


How on earth did I miss that little detail?

What a fail...