hints... please

By Troy813, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

Hey all,
I've been a “fan from afar” of Warhammer 40K for years.
I just managed to get a copy of the Rogue Trader rules (& Dark Heresy ) for the holidays.
I am really excited abut getting a RT game going.

Anything novels I should be reading for “cannon”?
Any great movies I should be watching for inspiration?

Any other hints from the pros for this … “ noob ”?


Oh my god I am so excited about this game.....


Event Horizon - This movie very nicely captures the horrors of unshielded travel through the warp.

Aliens - Imperial guard versus genestealers plays out a bit like this, certainly gives a feel for nasty unknown xenos vs puny humans

Alien - massive cathedral-esque spacecraft, scary xenos, puny humans, awesome

Avatar - the racism expressed by the humans and the casual-genocide-for-profit fits very much into Rogue trader


Eisenhorn and Ravenor series do a great job of portraying imperial society away from the wars and battles. Gaunts Ghosts and the various space marines novels do well for the wars and battles bits.

There are a couple of novels out there that deal with rogue traders and another that deals with an imperial starship (Rogue star, star of damocles and Relentless respectively) although i've not read them and can't vouch for their quality.

In general for the feel and look of the imperium, it has often been called "Catholic Space Nazis" and so anything that features high church intrigue, nazi-esque national events (Nuremburg rallies are very 40k) or similar massive ostentation for the purposes of impressing the proles will get your mind into the look of the universe.

N.B. Just for the easily offended, i'm not comparing catholics to Nazis, just that the look of the imperium draws heavily upon both groups.

As long as you portray the imperium as a vast place of massive gothic cathedral-like magnificence mixed with awful soviet-esque industry and populated with decadent, debauched nobility living in luxury unimaginable to us and vast swarms of oppressed and maltreated citizens with only a brutal and war-like faith to turn to for succor, you can't go wrong.

Wow thanks.

Dune (either the original Frank Herbert novel or the David Lynch film- either works for high imperial society, although with slightly different emphasis).

Judge Dredd and Blade Runner are decent examples of life in a hive (as are the early parts of Fifth Element , Fritz Lang's Metropolis and virtually any cyberpunk film). Casshern and Mutant Chronicles are good for general 40k feel, and, if you're prepared to do some hunting, there are even a couple of actual 40k films out there (most notably Inquisitor , which is the only official film you're likely to get hold of, and, if you're prepared to skir-flout the ban on fan-films, Damnatus: Der Feind Im Innern ).

As odd it may sound, the Chronicles of Riddick (or as I like to think of them: "Conan of Cimmeria IN SPACE!") are actually pretty good at portraying the feel of 40k as well (particularly the eponymous second film and the animated semi-sequel to Pitch Black ), and the russian films NightWatch and DayWatch are pretty good for high-power psyker battles (as are Akira and Volcano High ). Actually, come to think of it, Akira is pretty good as a whole, and not just for getting a feel of social stratification, doomsday cults and alpha-class psykers; just try and make sure you get one of the early subbed versions, as each new translation just gets weaker as they try and play down some of the controversial plot elements.

I'd also recommend the Deathstalker series of books, and pretty much everything in here , here , here , and here . Yes, there probably will be a lot of overlap.

Alasseo said:

I'd also recommend the Deathstalker series of books, and pretty much everything in here , here , here , and here . Yes, there probably will be a lot of overlap.

These are great! Thanks

This is just what I was looking for .

I would also say that RT reminds me a lot of Farscape -sans aliens.


Judge Dredd was an aweful movie, but it does depict pretty much exactly what a Hive setting would be like.

I'd add Canticle for Lebowitz as a pretty darn good example of how the Imperium views, and understands (or doesn't as the case may be) technology. I'm pretty sure it's was strong inspiration for the Adeptus Mechanus. It's also a fantastic book in its own right.

The movie outlander provides also some interesting looks regarding to different tech levels, Besides the monster presented here is a nice enemy.

But be warned Outlander is really a B-Movie, but for stealing ideas or simple inspiration its ok.

The movie 'Pandorum' that was out a few months back would be great inspiration for an adventure on a space hulk. It also has some great examples of mutants. (esp. hullghasts from Creatures Anathema)

Talking "movies", the asian part-animated movie " Casshern " has a 40K-touch to it as well.

The animated motion picture/anime named " Highlander" (based on his namesake movie) has some nice elements as well (Mutants, a mix of acient and modern society elements, high tech & low live) as does " Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust" (even if only partial).

Well, most of the things I have to add have already been said. I'll just add in with an anime; Witch Hunter Robin .

It gives a very good idea of how psykers are treated in 40k. Just one thing to keep reminding yourself; the female protagonist, while "sanctioned" (in 40K terms), is treated less than nicely. And the treatment she gets (from all fronts) is probably the best a psyker can hope for.

(I apologize in advance for the horrible male protagonist, who is clearly a cardboard cut-out GMPC)

For some feel about the imperial guard I'd say "Starshiptroopers" is a pretty good example, although it doesn't bring up much of the rogue trader flair.

Although I haven't read the series myself (yet), the Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolf seems a very good primer for some of the unusual aspects of life in the Imperium. It concerns a young man who is being trained as Torturer on a future Earth in which the sun is dying. the main character has a perfect memory, but this actually makes him less reliable as a narrator because he fails to mention details he might otherwise. It is also presented as if the author is translating the main character's diary, rather than being written as straightforward fiction, contributing to the sense of strangeness when it comes to details that differ from our own assumptions.

I'm looking forward to reading it myself, and it seems like you might draw some inspiration from it as well.

nadomir said:

For some feel about the imperial guard I'd say "Starshiptroopers" is a pretty good example, although it doesn't bring up much of the rogue trader flair.

This is true. Horrible movie, awesome book.

Avatar has Dreadnoughts in it too...and it's on a Death World/Paradise Planet...but I hesitate to recommend it for 40k inspiration.

Likewise GI Joe had some cool stuff in it...but I gag on bile just watching the previews....

District 9 had some really cool alien weapons and even alien Dreadnoughts. It may take place in S. Africa, but in retrospect the themes of racism and Xenophobia fit right in with 40k as much as the cool weapons....

Maxim C. Gatling said:

Judge Dredd was an aweful movie, but it does depict pretty much exactly what a Hive setting would be like.

That's a major felony: 5 years in the cellblocks for you, Citizen!