FFG blue spoilers!!!

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny









In the art for 'Abandon All Hope' Luke makes the same face I would if someone played that card against me.

"Nooo... Do I discard the Falcon or the five resources I saved to play the Falcon? This is exactly like Sophie's Choice!"

I love Dooku's smug smile!

Wow was that an awesome preview! I just want all the blue cards and dice now!!!

Added to swdestinydb.com :)

The TC video that went up today suggested staying away from single color decks... but after seeing these cards I still want to try a straight blue deck! Double Qui-Gon with double Rey sounds like it would be a lot of fun to play.

I also like the idea of double Luke and Single Rey. Luke would lay down the damage and help keep cards in hand and Rey should work on getting upgrades early to become a late game threat.

Edited by Stone37

The TC video that went up today suggested staying away from single color decks

The TC video that went up today suggested staying away from single color decks

Nonsense. There are pros and cons.

Yes but with a limited amount of cards the advice seems legit. BUT I agree running 1color should be possible. And fun

The TC video that went up today suggested staying away from single color decks... but after seeing these cards I still want to try a straight blue deck! Double Qui-Gon with double Rey sounds like it would be a lot of fun to play.

I also like the idea of double Luke and Single Rey. Luke would lay down the damage and help keep cards in hand and Rey should work on getting upgrades early to become a late game threat.

Well, they did say when starting out building a deck so you can basically get a feel for how different things work. I don't think it was meant to say never run a single color deck, just that they don't recommend it starting out.