3e PDFs

By colonelclick, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I just read the announcement about February being the end of sales for all Warhammer products. But I want to get the PDF products and they are no longer on DriveThru RPG?

Has there been any announcement about why this is, or if it is intentional? (Not the fact that they lost the license, but about the PDF situation.)

Edited by colonelclick

EDITED: I really had nothing to say here.

Edited by Gurkhal

I came here to ask the same question. I feel a bit cheated that the PDFs were pulled before the announcement and the license is still available for another 2 months yet. So I can't legally buy PDFs for WFRP 3rd edition anymore?

As FFG rarely (never?) responds on these forums, and there has been no official explanation why the PDFs were removed the way they were I'd say we'll never know why they decided to remove the PDFs before the license ended.

Yeah, I'm pretty annoyed by this. I have about 90% of the books in PDF. At the moment I'm preparing the Enemy Within and it would have been SOOO handy to have it in PDF format.

Yes, adventure prep is nice to do with an iPad or similar, I've found the PDFs to be very useful when traveling, easy to bring all the books. So it's sad that they removed the PDFs without giving us fair warning, so that we could complete our PDF collections before they were removed from the online stores.