A summation of Tiny Grimes 12 Booster Extravaganza!

By Ajones47, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I wrote down all of the cards unknown to me as I watched TinyGrimes opening of twelve booster packs. I was transcribing as I went, so if you spot an error please comment so I can correct it. Also the quality of the video (or my eyes) wasn't the best, so some of the costs I had to guess might be off, again comment if you notice any.

Here's a link to the Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArQpouPJcXk (new link to TinyGrims 1080p reup of the original)

Here we go!

Cannon Fodder

Cost: 1



Deal 1 of your non-unique characters damage equal to the value of an opponent's die showing damage, then remove that die.

Shoot First

Cost: 1




Resolve one of your Yellow dice showing ranged damage, then remove an opponent's die showing ranged damage as well.

Mos Eisely Spaceport



Return an upgrade to your hand to gain 1 resource.


Cost: 1



Special: Reroll up to two of your opponent's dice with the special symbol showing.

(I think I got it)

  1. Disrupt 1
  2. Shield 1
  3. Resource 1
  4. Special
  5. Special
  6. Blank

Resistance HQ

Cost: 2



Exhaust this support and discard a card from your hand to give a character 1 shield. Then ready this support, unless an opponent spends 1 resource.

Jedi Temple



Look at an opponent's hand, discard up to two events from it.

Personal Escort

Cost: 1



The attached character has the Guardian keyword.

Queen Amidala

Cost: 10/14


Discard the top card of an opponent's deck, or spend 1 resource to discard the top two cards of an opponent's deck.

Ten Health

(this has an attached die which was spoiled ages ago, only the ability is new knowledge)

Force Strike

Cost: 1



Turn one of your blue dice to the side showing Melee Damage, then you may resolve it immediately.

Boundless Ambition

Cost: 2



Draw cards up to your hand size.

Hunker Down

Cost: 3(?)



If attached character takes melee damage discard it and exhaust this upgrade to gain 1 shield.


Cost: 1



Spot a blue character to remove a character die.

All In

Cost: 1



Resolve any number of your dice in the order of your choice.

Strategic Planning

Cost: 1



Ready or exhaust a support

Street Informants

Cost: 2(?)




Exhaust this support to look at an opponent's hand.

Force Misdirection

Cost: 1



Choose a symbol showing on one of your blue dice, then remove all of an opponents dice showing that symbol.

EDIT: I've tried to make it clear where possible if they're Hero/Neutral/Villain.

Edited by Ajones47

Cool video. I believe he said of the 12 booster packs they found 4 legendary cards. It also appeared that they opened 5 packs with starter dice/cards. Excited to see a high percentage (33%) of Legendary card/dice. Disappointing to see just as high percentage of packs with starter dice/cards.

Overall, I like my chances of getting the cards I want inside of a reasonable amount of boosters.

Cool video. I believe he said of the 12 booster packs they found 4 legendary cards. It also appeared that they opened 5 packs with starter dice/cards. Excited to see a high percentage (33%) of Legendary card/dice. Disappointing to see just as high percentage of packs with starter dice/cards.

Overall, I like my chances of getting the cards I want inside of a reasonable amount of boosters.

By my count got 3 Legendary cards (Force Choke, Luke, Han) which fits with the rumor that the Legendary : Rare ratio was 1 in 6 wich is awesome. What is HIGHLY disappointing are the 5 rares that come in the starter set. Makes me wonder how much bloat I will be getting with my Gravity Feed pre-order...

Cool video. I believe he said of the 12 booster packs they found 4 legendary cards. It also appeared that they opened 5 packs with starter dice/cards. Excited to see a high percentage (33%) of Legendary card/dice. Disappointing to see just as high percentage of packs with starter dice/cards.

Overall, I like my chances of getting the cards I want inside of a reasonable amount of boosters.

By my count got 3 Legendary cards (Force Choke, Luke, Han) which fits with the rumor that the Legendary : Rare ratio was 1 in 6 wich is awesome. What is HIGHLY disappointing are the 5 rares he pulled that come in the starter set. Makes me wonder how much bloat I will be getting with my Gravity Feed pre-order...

Miami Dice got Poe Dameron out of just four booster packs, and another guy over on the Destiny FB page pulled an AT-ST out of a single booster, so the rate of Legendary cards seems fairly high ... Or FFG is stacking the promo boosters with great cards before the big release (but they wouldn't do that, right guys? ... Right?)

Miami Dice got Poe Dameron out of just four booster packs, and another guy over on the Destiny FB page pulled an AT-ST out of a single booster, so the rate of Legendary cards seems fairly high ... Or FFG is stacking the promo boosters with great cards before the big release (but they wouldn't do that, right guys? ... Right?)

That's a little too tin-foil hat conspiracy theory for me... If they were "stacking" promo boosters, this video shows they did a poor job of that.

Unwatchable video. Thanks for the summary.

3 legendary put of 12 is good. That's 1 out of 4. 4 starter rares is high too. But variances can be expected from such a small sample pool.

I'm getting 1 Rey and 1 Kylo starter and 1 box of boosters. Then once I see what I get I'll decide if I get second starters or not.

Boy can't wait for it to be released.

3 legendary put of 12 is good. That's 1 out of 4. 4 starter rares is high too. But variances can be expected from such a small sample pool.

I'm getting 1 Rey and 1 Kylo starter and 1 box of boosters. Then once I see what I get I'll decide if I get second starters or not.

Boy can't wait for it to be released.

I'm getting 2 starters and hopefully won't get too many repeats from a box. At least there should be a strong trade community for this game.

3 legendary put of 12 is good. That's 1 out of 4. 4 starter rares is high too. But variances can be expected from such a small sample pool.

I'm getting 1 Rey and 1 Kylo starter and 1 box of boosters. Then once I see what I get I'll decide if I get second starters or not.

Boy can't wait for it to be released.

I'm getting 2 starters and hopefully won't get too many repeats from a box. At least there should be a strong trade community for this game.

3 legendary put of 12 is good. That's 1 out of 4. 4 starter rares is high too. But variances can be expected from such a small sample pool.

I'm getting 1 Rey and 1 Kylo starter and 1 box of boosters. Then once I see what I get I'll decide if I get second starters or not.

Boy can't wait for it to be released.

I'm getting 2 starters and hopefully won't get too many repeats from a box. At least there should be a strong trade community for this game.
I think FFG is counting on that. Starter repeats will have trade value in about a year when another set of new players are drawn to the game and enter with a different starter set.

Miami Dice got Poe Dameron out of just four booster packs, and another guy over on the Destiny FB page pulled an AT-ST out of a single booster, so the rate of Legendary cards seems fairly high ... Or FFG is stacking the promo boosters with great cards before the big release (but they wouldn't do that, right guys? ... Right?)

That's a little too tin-foil hat conspiracy theory for me... If they were "stacking" promo boosters, this video shows they did a poor job of that.

My bad Stone, I forgot my sarc marks. ^^

Edited by Ajones47

Miami Dice got Poe Dameron out of just four booster packs, and another guy over on the Destiny FB page pulled an AT-ST out of a single booster, so the rate of Legendary cards seems fairly high ... Or FFG is stacking the promo boosters with great cards before the big release (but they wouldn't do that, right guys? ... Right?)

That's a little too tin-foil hat conspiracy theory for me... If they were "stacking" promo boosters, this video shows they did a poor job of that.

My bad Stone, I forgot my sarc marks. ^^

There really does need to be a sarcasm font. lol

I feel like the legendary rate was changed to 1 in 4 and the rules werent updated, but who knows. 1 in 4 fits much better with the fact that there are 60 dice cards that can come from packs, and 17 of them are legendary.

Also, boundless ambition is blue.

I´m pretty sure the legendary rate will be 1 in 6 when the product is released. Why should they increase the rate? Right now we have a very limited sample size of opened boosters...

And it isn´t unheard of that promo material was manipulated to look better... Not saying I expect FFG to have done that. i think it only looks better because we have a very limited amount of samples. FFG has been very open to discuss rarity and clear on multiple occasions that the rarity of legendary cards in Star Wars Destiny will be 1 in 6. I expect that to be the case when the product hits the market and a big sample size of opened boosters are available.

Alas, the rules in the new PDF fix the Legendary rate at "one in six" - it's written in the panel which addresses rarity.

Edited by Ajones47

There is a newer, higher resolution version of the video available -