Vader Commander and friends

By ianediger, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

So, here's the scenario: I have an ISD with the Devastator title, Intel officer, and QTC with Vader Commander, firing on a ship that has Captain Jonus in range one. Would a correct order of attack be:

Roll dice

Intel officer own token

Change to acc with Jonus

Add acc with QTC

Spend acc (if I want to)

Spend Intel officer'd token for Vader

Add a blue die for Devastator

Reroll dice with Vader.

Is this possible? Or am I just barking up the wrong tree?

Wouldn't Devastator come in after Vaders effect? Since you spend the token from Vader, you have to complete the entire action and it looks like you are splitting it up. Otherwise I think this all works.

Wouldn't Devastator come in after Vaders effect? Since you spend the token from Vader, you have to complete the entire action and it looks like you are splitting it up. Otherwise I think this all works.


I have no clue, that was the part I was iffy on.

Roll dice (Correct, must be first)
Intel officer own token (Correct, must be used before any die modifications are done)

Change to acc with Jonus

Add acc with QTC

Spend acc (if I want to)

Spend Intel officer'd token for Vader

Reroll dice with Vader.

Add a blue die for Devastator

Yellow and Red are the same thing... When you spend it, the effect is to reroll... You do not get to delay the reroll... You can add the Blue die afterwards.

Juas as its a Modify Dice effect (all of them are modify dice effects), they're all done in the same timing window, and you can change the order...

But its kind of like attempting to reroll the Red ACC given to you by the QTCs when you havn't yet rolled an initial Red ACC, or used Jonus yet... You still do have to do things in order.

Thanks Dras! Guess I can leave Devastator and QTCs out of my next iteration of IVV.