KoR Spoilers: Beasts of War "reroll #3"

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny






The top red card is: Logistics
If you control a red character you can use a dice with the resource symbol and increase its value by 1

The next red card is: Probe

Look at two random cards from your opponent´s hand and you can discard one or two of them if they´re events.

I like probe, there's a lot of hero events I've seen, I'd like to discard.

Awesome spoils.

The top red card is: Logistics
If you control a red character you can use a dice with the resource symbol and increase its value by 1

I feel like this will eventually read: "Spot a red character to resolve a die with the resource symbol, increasing its value by 1." in its English iteration. I don't know if the term 'control' is a Destiny term with the intention which this card has. Or is it?

Edited by Ajones47

Awesome spoils.

The top red card is: Logistics

If you control a red character you can use a dice with the resource symbol and increase its value by 1

I feel like this will eventually read: "Spot a red character to resolve a die with the resource symbol, increasing its value by 1." in its English iteration. I don't know if the term 'control' is a Destiny term with the intention which this card has. Or is it?

I believe you are correct. Czech and english are not the same codex and can have different final translations. I agree with yours.

TinyGrimes held 'Logistics' in a recent video, but didn't read it out, which is frustrating. He did read out Probe, which in English actually reads: "Discard any of these cards that are events" which is completely different to the Czech iteration. I wonder if it translates the same in Czech, or if we're playing with totally different rules on those cards to our Czechian brothers and sisters?

Interesting. It is possible the translations are unique to each country. I don't know why that would be.