KoR spoilers: ROTJ and Hyerspace Jump

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny



Hyperspace Jump:

The flavour on this card is immense, but so is the cost when you consider it does absolutely nothing else (like for example resolving a battlefield effect similar to a couple of other cards spoiled recently)

Unless your deck functions specifically on your battlefield and it didn’t get picked at the start of the game I think this card is a not worth considering

this is a much more reasonably costed card that can in effect fill lots 3 & 4 of a crucial event card in your deck adding consistency. This card is very much worth consideration

My first thought of Hyperspace Jump was, meh. This card looks so conditional. maybe as a one-off. But then I thought a little more about this card. So if your deck really benefits from your battlefield you should include this card twice. The cool think about Destiny is that there is basically no dead card you can draw. You always can use a card for a reroll which makes every card you draw useful even when you can´t use the ability. This gives the potential for gamedesign to really design more very conditional cards that will only make a few decks and are only useful in certain board states like this card.

Do realize hyperspace jump allows you to essentially end the turn. And even thought you pay 3 resources, you immediately go into upkeep after this resolves, where you get 2 resources back.

Do realize hyperspace jump allows you to essentially end the turn. And even thought you pay 3 resources, you immediately go into upkeep after this resolves, where you get 2 resources back.


Your opponent just rolled 2 specials and has 5 points worth of damage sitting out in unspent dice? BAMM! This card.

End the action phase. Totally glossed over that. So this card does 2 things. As a villain I hate this card, haha

It is a very strong denial card. Especially in Yellow that creates a healthy number of resources each turn :) Watch out for those jumps.

Yep totally missed the part about ending the action phase, definitely worth reconsidering this card