How lore accurate are the planet productions?

By davidumstattd, in Star Wars: Rebellion

I posted this on BGG and it was a lot of work so I figured I'd share it here as well:

So I really like how strong the theme is in SWR. And I love the attention to detail. Also after checking the old star maps I was surprised how relatively correct the placing of the planets was around the galaxy. Distances between planets was occasionally messed with but generally speaking each planet is located in it’s correct region of the galaxy.

So it got me thinking How realistic are the planet's productions? The production in SWR is pretty general but still, are the planets and systems that are important in the game important in the lore? I trolled through Wookipedia’s Legends and Canon sources (since SWR uses Legends and Canon sources itself) and my current knowledge of the areas to see how close the designers got. Now this list IS NOT a general rundown on what is significant about these planets. It’s mostly an analysis of it’s exports, economy, population and general industrial importance.

Also I won’t be analyzing these planets from a strategic or game balance standpoint. It’s pure lore. Though if it’s obvious a planet has been over buffed or nerfed due to game balance I might point it out.

I also won’t be making statements about which planets were/should be loyal to whom. This is an analysis of production. Who those planets actually produced for is irrelevant. So Kessel could have been a prison planet for the rebels just as much as it could have been for the empire in the board game. The questions are production, population, technological advance and economic importance.

also I’m skipping the remote planets as those all should be remote and yeah those were all good choices for remote systems.

EDIT: While the game designers haven't to my knowledge specified how they chooses to allocate resources my general understanding is that more icons tend to mean a larger population and the higher tier icons (circles, squares) tend to mean more industrialization/natural resources. and that tends to be true throughout the game with Mustafar being a notable exception due to it's high automation and Mandalor/Kessel for it's highly militarily trained populations.

Mon Calamari (Blue Square Blue Triangle 3)

Pretty accurate here. Mon Cal exported High Tech Starships and weapons. And of course the location of the Mon Calamari Shipyards. They are master ship builders so it makes sense they’re one of the three systems that builds capital ships. Though the area isn’t really known for it’s fighter production other than Quarrel who designed the B wing. But it seems most shipyard based planets produce capital ships and fighters in the game for balance purposes which is fine.

Felucia (Orange Triangle 1)

not a very significant planet. It’s a key planet in the Perlemian Trade Route though. The planet is largely unsettled so I’m a bit confused why it isn’t a remote system though given it’s strategic importance it makes sense they would make it a populous system. Some of it’s major exports were slaves, medicine, and biotoxins so the kind of things you may need for equipping infantry troops. All in all I’d say it’s resource value makes sense

Saleucami (orange circle 1)

It has a mediumish population (1.4 billion) so a single icon makes sense. It’s exports include Medicine and Technology so that justifies a higher tier unit than simply a ground unit. Back in the Clone Wars the Techno Union did a lot of stuff here so despite it’s smaller population it has a lot of valuable stuff on it. Though it doesn’t have any much more than a single space port so it’s lack of space units makes a lot of sense as well.

Kessel (Orange Triangle 1)

I was expecting this to be one of the inaccuracies in the game due to it’s in game general uselessness but turns out Kessel actually has a ridiculously small population, only a little over a hundred thousand so it’s insignificance makes sense. It’s only export is spice which is just a drug and while valuable has pretty much no military use. However there was a strong military presence there given it was a prison planet. In the lore there were lots of prisoners rescued there so treating it as a source of infantry recruitment makes sense despite it’s relative insignificance.

Nal Hutta (Orange Triangle, Blue Triangle 1)

The homesystem of the Hutts (though not their original homeworld) and haven for general criminal whatnot. Also important is that Nar Shadda is a moon of Nal Hutta and that’s a rather significant location as I’ll get into later. The population is really large (7 billion) so giving it two resource icons makes total sense. However it doesn’t really have any exports other than Tourism and Contraband. It is a barren wasteland after all. However given the general wealth of the Hutts it makes some sense to give them general production in game and given it’s remoteness having that production just be infantry and fighters seems justifiable. Especially given Nar Shadda which is also called “Little Corscaunt” as it’s an entire city on a small moon and is the trade and financial center of Hutt Space. It also had a tie fighter factory so that explains the blue triangle. All in all I almost feel the system should have produced more given it's population and wealth but it's lack of resources makes sense.

Toydaria (Blue Circle 2)

An incredibly small population makes me confused as to this system’s high production value. Sure it only gets one symbol but it’s a blue circle. That’s pretty good. It’s major exports are labor and foodstuffs which are indeed pretty universally useful so I suppose I can understand a higher value. In fact the entire planet was a bit unadvanced. Given that Toydarians fly they didn’t like speeders or much of anything flying through their airspace. Because traffic accidents. So any flying vehicles were highly regulated. So it feels off that this is a space producing system. It was a strategic location. But not economically so. The production makes little sense.

Bothawui (orange circle 1)

Bothawui has a reasonable sized population (2.5 billion) and exports lots of technology and information and was the center of trade in it’s region due to free market capitalism (murika!) Much of the planet is uninhabitable due to terrain I’m a bit surprised the planet doesn’t produce fighters as in lore we see a lot of Bothen fighters join the rebellion (to later die horribly.)

A tricky part about picking production for this system is that the system’s biggest significance is in the presence of the Bothen spy network, which is the best spy network in the galaxy. There really should have been a system specific mission for the rebels here related to the spy network. But it is an industrial center and so the single orange circle seems almost lackluster. It should produce more. It’s medium population is probably the reason for the single icon. Bothawui was a center for shipping and transport but it lacked a navy, relying on shield generators and it’s civil defense forces. So it feels like it should have been given an orange square. Maybe just an krange square that produces at level 2. So I’d say all in all the planet doesn’t produce as much as it should.

Rodia (orange Triangle 1)

A smallish planet with a population of 1.3 billion. It’s major exports are bounty hunters and weapons technology so it’s single triangle makes a huge amount of sense. Hell I may go so far as to say that it’s the most realistic single orange triangle producing system in the game. Since despite it’s military importance it has a small population and isn’t technologically important like Salecami. Also it’s been plagued by famines in the past and has to import foodstuffs so it makes sense it doesn’t produce more than a single triangle.

Geonosis (Blue Triangle, Orange Square 2)

This planet is odd in that the canon and Legend conflict so much. In fact the presence of this planet as a significant production center suggests SWR uses the Legends timeline as opposed to the canon timeline. In the canon during the timeline of the civil war Geonosis was sterilized and abandoned. Basically they death starred it before they had the death star.

in the legends there’s also debate on what is and is not true. In some sources the Geonosians fought alongside the rebels. In fact one of the founding members of the rebel alliance were separatist holdouts.

It’s generally unclear what happened to Geonosis after the clone wars. But there are many examples of people going there and salvaging working battle droids and such from the planet during the galactic civil war. Before it was sterilized in the canon it had a population of 100 billion. Which seems like a lot except for how the Geonosian species works. It’s like saying there are a million ants on a planet. It sounds like a lot at first. #geonosianlivesmatter.

So I don’t know what to say about Geonosis. It was a major military production center during the Clone Wars and so even twenty years later it makes sense it would have a lot of technology and equipment useful to either side. But as far as I know all that equiptment was left in a state of disrepair.

Ryloth (orange triangle 1)

Again… I always thought Ryloth was more significant than it actually is. It has a small population of 1.5 billion and it’s exports are Slaves and knock off spice called Ryll. Given it’s history of oppression it makes sense it isn’t a huge producer. Also Ryll isn’t really helpful in a war. So a single ground troop makes sense given it’s low population and lack of significant natural resources. Since people are it’s expert a single ground unit seems to make sense. Either as freed to fight for the rebellion or enslaved to work polishing storm trooper armor. Ok this got dark fast. On to the next planet.

Utapau (blue circle, Blue Square 3)

oh boy. Here we go. Does the system that produces the “most” in the game earn it’s reputation? Not quite. Let’s get to it.

So Utapu does have a LOT of natural resources. It’s basically a giant ball of resources covered in an unappealing crust. It exports, Ore and Starships. So making it one of the three major starship producing systems makes some sense. However it’s population is a tiny 95 million. Also the military on Utapau during the clone wars was highly downscaled and used only small starships and fighters which were designed on Utapau. Which makes me feel the place should have produced maybe a blue triangle and blue circle. Though that was during the clone wars and those forces were destroyed by separatists. But the fact they were designed and produced on Utapau is what’s important. Also Utapau was known for it’s high quality star fighters so it feels especially weird they don’t produce star fighters.

So yes it’s an industrial center that produces starships. But not as important or useful as the game would lead you to believe. It’s low population and lack of advanced large capital ships suggests it should have had a production value like Mustafar. Making it produce more than Corellia is inaccurate.

Naboo (orange triangle, blue triangle 1)

On the surface this one looked easy to give a pass on and move on. Naboo star fighters for blue triangle and Gungan army for orange triangle. But I’m afraid it’s not quite that simple. Because Canon vs. Legends.

In canon it has a population of 600 million. In Legends (which I took my other population numbers from) it has 4.5 billion. Which is certainly on the higher end of things. Now since I’ve been using the legends population numbers and the canon doesn’t exactly talk a lot about planet population I suppose we can use those numbers. Which certainly puts Naboo at the higher end of the population department. However of that 4.5 billion 72% are gungan. So maybe the 600 million number is meant to be the human population? But I’m getting bogged down in details.

Naboo does have a space fighter core, however in canon this core was disbanded during the galactic civil war. Though also during the galactic civil war Naboo thrived economically due to it’s prestige as being the homeworld of the emperor. In legends Naboo wasn’t demilitarized and the empire actually sent a whole bunch of storm troopers there to stop those dadgum gungans.

Also I’d like to say it’s odd that Naboo has a chance to be rebel loyal since in both legends and canon it liked the empire (at first) generally speaking due to the emperor being from there and the emperor installing some puppet leaders. But that’s not what this thread is about.

as I said in the canon Naboo was demilitarized during the galactic civil war and specifically lacked any fighters during the battle of endor. Though it was an exporter of food and plasma.

So what it looks like is that the designers kinda took both canon and legends, mashed them together and used that as a template for production. So according to legends Naboo has a large population and economic prosperity during the Galactic Civil war. But in canon Naboo was demilitarized. So while it could have produced like Orb Mantel or Geonosis it wasn’t mobilized to do so and only produces like Nal Hutta. Fair I guess. But Alderaan also demilitarized and only produces a single ground troop. But Naboo was richer than Alderan with a bigger population. So I suppose it’s production makes sense.

Malastar (orange triangle 1)

Ok this one feels WAY off. Malastar is a pretty important planet. It has a population of 2 billion. Exports Repulsor lift vehicles and most importantly, Malastarian fuel. In fact this fuel is so important a lot of battles have been fought over the sector for access to this fuel in both the Clone Wars and The Galactic Civil War. Yet it only produces a single orange triangle? What? Doesn’t feel like a place that is literally fought over for it’s resources. This is the one I’m closest to wanting to trade places with Toydaria with. But I’m sure there’s some balance reason for that. Probably not wanting too many valuable planets near the core. It’s still a shame. It’s symbol should be a blue circle or a orange circle (since it was a big podracing location.) or literally anything than the “worthless” single orange triangle. The least lore respectful system on this list.

Kashyyk (orange triangle, orange triangle 1)

Wookies are known for their strength resilience and uses in armies and slave labor camps. This production makes total sense. /section

But seriously though Kashyyk is also a big resource location. Lots of imperial slave labor on the planet to exploit it’s population and resources. It’s population is oddly small though. Only 45 million. But it’s natural resources were a major export so I suppose it makes sense it has two symbols especially given how hardy wookies are known for. It also exports electronics. Who knew?

Given the more general uses of wookie labor, electronics and Kashyyk’s natural resources I feel you might have wanted a more general purpose production center. But I get what the designers were going for by point out the military effectiveness of wookie ground troops. And making it the only double orange triangle production center attests to this fact. Though switching this system with Mandalor could be argued.

Mandalore (orange triangle, blue triangle)

Mandalorians are the Klingons of Star Wars. The warrior race (except they aren't a race mandalorians is an assortment of races and now I'm ranting on about un important stuff) The ass kickers. General purpose badasses who make great armor. Oddly enough both legends and canon agree on the population of Mandalore.

4 million.


No seriously. This actually explains why the planet produces so little I think. Mandalore and it’s moons have a variety of climates and a good deal of natural resources. It exports starships, mercenaries and Beskar iron which is ridiculously strong stuff. So it really feels on point in regards to production. So while Mandalore was full of trained soldiers, valuable resources and starship production it had very few people there. Making it a versatile planet but one that just doesn’t produce like some of the larger systems.

Mygeeto (Blue triangle, Orange Square 2)

Mygeeto is a frozen wealthy colony that was controlled by the intergalactic banking clan during the clone wars. It’s population is unkown, which makes analysis a bit difficult.

The banking clan went after it due to it’s easily mined naturally occurring high quality energy crystals on the planet. These crystals could be used for lightsaber construction. The banking clan also put a lot of vaults full of loot on the planet. Also during the civil war the planet was mined for durasteel which is used in the construction of starship hulls.

Given the general value of the planet you could kinda make this planet produce anything. It’s one of those raw materials planets. Though given the durasteel I might have preferred it to produce a blue circle unit. But fighters is fine. Given the terrain and need to import food and technology I might have seen a justification for a little less production. But the fact a lot of battles were fought to take and protect the planet’s resources it makes sense the planet produces so much.

Orb Mantell (Orange Circle, Blue circle 2)

In my opinion one of the more underrated production centers in the game, Orb Mantell has a population of 4 billion and is a major trade, financial, and manufacturing center. It brings in a lot of tourism and is famous for it’s casinos. However other than it’s major city centers the planet is widely rural and low tech. Lot’s of it’s planet is littered by junkyards.

Not a lot more to say here. The planet is important, prosperous but has a lot of pollution and a lot of it is unusable due to the junk yards. So having it be a big producer but only of circles, no squares makes a lot of sense.

Alderaan (orange triangle 1)

Population 2 billion. Exports wine art and luxury items. Not exactly militarily useful. However a lot of Alderaanians ended up becoming some of the rebels best operatives after it’s destruction.

After the clone war Alderaan disarmed. They dismantled their navy and defensive weapons and put them all into a warship that they sent off away from the planet. Though the empire claimed they had a bunch of defensive instillations. So while the people of Alderaan had experience in the clone wars and went on to be great military leaders the planet itself simply wasn’t industrially equipped to produce military units. Any system with billions of people should be given at least an orange triangle no matter how much they’ve disarmed. So it’s a thematic system in my book.

Cato Neimodia (blue triangle, Orange circle 2)

A wealthy colony and base of operations for the trade federation during the Clone Wars. This planet is near to the planet Neimodia and so I almost feel that planet should be considered for this system too. Cato Neimodia itself had a population of 8.5 million and exported droids, food and technology. But it needed to import labor and raw materials. So it was a production planet, not as much a raw materials planet. Now Neimodia itself had a far larger population of 400 million and exported food and medacine. Which suggests more of a ground troop focused production. But this system in the game basically just represents the general leftovers of the trade federation. Which still existed after the clone wars but in a reduced capacity. So I think the system represents that. Valuable, but not as big a deal as some other regions. Though I find it odd Geonosis seems as valuable as it once was but Nemoidia is a reduced system. Probably due to Geonosis’ ridiculous population.

Corellia (Blue triangle, Blue square 3)

Normally I’d complain that such an important starship production area would also produce fighters. However in addition for being known for designing and or producing most of the ships in star wars it is also known for being the home world of a LOT of the famous star fighter pilots from Han to Wedge to Suinter Fel. This whole area is full of major planets many of which produced starships. And if any system is deserving of the production values Utupau gets it’s this one. But game balance I guess. If I wanted to split hairs I would say this system being equal to Mon Calamari is a bit off but its not really that big a deal. Corellia and the systems around Corellia are vital starship production centers in the lore and they are in the game. Though naming this system Kuat might have been more accurate.

Sullust (orange triangle, Orange square 2)

Sullust was a big centor of trade and economics, had a lot of factories

And it’s major exports were… starfighters, shuttles, starships, computers hyper drives and droids…

Uh… ok so why does it produce ground units in game? This seems like an obvious space production planet. At least give it both space and ground. It has a population of 18 billion so it certainly should be a major production center so they got that down. I just don’t know why it doesn’t produce any star fighters. The Sullustans are known for being good fighter pilots.

This system baffles me. Right production amount, wrong color of production.

Bespin (orange circle 1)

Bespin mines Tiberna Gas. Tiberna Gas is used in hyperdrives and heavy blasters. The kind you see on starships. Why does Bespin produce ground units. It’s a gas giant. There’s not much room for ground stuff. It has a core of cloud cars which it also exports, not that dissimilar from air speeders I guess. But it’s main resource is the gas which is specifically used for star ships.

It’s population was 6 million and unlike other systems on this list there weren’t a lot of neighboring systems that were also highly populated so yes Bespine is a small system that doesn’t produce a lot but what it does produce is rather valuable specifically for space flight.

Again… correct amount of symbols. Wrong color. Make it produce a blue circle or maybe a blue triangle or two. Feels totally wrong from a lore standpoint. Again the designers don’t understand that fuel is used for starships.

Mustafar (blue triangle, blue circle 2)

Mustafar has a population of 20,000 however it has a LOT of automation and natural resources so don’t let that cloud your judgement. It exported processed ore and Mirkanite which is used in super lasers.

Unlike some of the other seperatist systems Mustafar had it’s facilities replaced after the clone wars and continued it’s mining operations. Though the facilities were almost identical to the old ones and not improved upon. Given that it was a large mining area it makes sense as to it’s production capacity and type in the game. Though if it produced ground units as well as space that would make sense. Given it’s low population and reliance on automation makes it’s lack of square resources make sense. However given that it’s facilities were replaced I’m confused why Geonosis seems to have better production. But then again Geonosis confuses me given it’s convoluted canon.

Coruscant (orange triangle 1)

So coruscantis weird. It’s the capital of the galaxy. So in a way coruscantis the planet who’s central government and organization allows all the other planets to produce units that can be deployed to other planets. It’s a single city planet and in a way it’s main export is government. It can’t be compared to the other planets in any meaningful way. It has a population of literally a trillion. It’s rarest resource is “sky.” So it really shouldn’t even be analyzed on this list. The game handles Coruscant well in my opinion in a lot of ways. It needs the rest of the empire and the empire needs it.

Bonus planet: Illum (remote)

Ilum is indeed a remote system but it’s also a vital source of Kyber Krystals which are used for all sort of nefarious and powerful ends. Like the construction of the freaking Death Star. The empire should have gotten some sort of system specific mission for this planet that gets them project cards or lets them search their deck for a project card they can do that turn or something. Maybe draw 5 project cards and then immediately assign a leader to it. Idk something. It was important from a resource perspective but was indeed unpopulated and remote.

Most of the planets produce what they should with the exceptions of Malestar, Bespin, Sullist, and Toydaria and to some extent Bothowi. While other planets like Naboo and Geonosis with their conflicting canon were handled as best as possible given the lore. All in all they make a lot of sense and the designers did a good job with a couple glaring exceptions (especially Malestar.)

Edited by davidumstattd

Ok, first off, I have trouble keeping Legends straight. Expanded Universe and Canon, I can do, (the lines were very definite and defined), but, when they mashed them together, (sort of), to make Legends, I got confused.

Anyway, I am going to agree with you on Bespin. In both Canon and EU "Spin Sealed Tibana Gas" is known as one of teh best sources of ammunition for infantry grade blasters, so, it should be an orange triangle, maybe a blue triangle, (one could assume that as it is used in infantry weapons, fighter weapons could also use it), but, at the circle level of production, the weapons are much heavier and/or explosive based so, the aforementioned Tibana gas wouldn't work, (the same way a modern assault rifle and a battleship cannon use different propellants for their shells).

I am going to say that Sullustians were well known as spec ops type guys. I can't remember if that is Canon or EU, tho.

Toydaria produces, in effect, transports, which does make sense. They would need to move their product somehow and seeing as they didn't have small, personal transports,I feel it makes sense.

Illum, while I agree that Kyber crystals were an important resource, it is used in such minor amounts, that I don't feel it is worth mentioning, (ie if kyber crystal production tonnage was totaled for the ENTIRE Star Wars universe, including KOTOR, it would still be less than the amount of Spice mined during the OT period) That would be like saying, in my mind, Mon Cal should get an orange triangle due to the Mon Cals that joined the Rebel infantry and the Qwarren(sp?), that joined the Imps as bounty hunters and such. The ones that did were good, but, there weren't many of them.

Over all a well written article. Thank you.

On Wookipedia there's a handy tab for switching between cannon and legends. I mostly used legends sources for this research since the cannon is highly non exhaustive for things like the industrial application of Tibanna gas during the galactic civil war period. (Come on Disney, give us movies and books covering the topics we NEED to know)

Seems we dissagree on HOW Bespin should have been represented to reflect the lore. But you are right about Bespin's production. I thought Bespin produced the non spin sealed version of Tibanna gas. But apparently Bespin actually produces the spin sealed version naturally. So it's a good point. Although most hand held blasters couldn't handle the boost from Tibanna gas and it was actually mostly used in ship mounted blasters. Also note though that Tibanna gas can be used to super charge explosive devices which I think makes it a bit more valuable than simply being used to produce a single ground unit. What you need to look at is the general value of the resource as much as what it's specifically used for. Also in legends cloud city's tibanna gas factories were used to fuel Republic starships during the clone wars so the facility seems to have been used to produce both the gas used for hyperdrive fuel and the kind used for blaster tech. But the planet's population doesn't really justify two resource icons. Then again if Mustafar justifies 2 resource icons maybe Bespin does. But I don't think Bespin has quite near the level of industrial expansion Mustafar does. So I still think a blue circle is most realistic.

Sure there were Sullistans that were good at special ops but that doesn't necessarily mean ground units. I mean I wouldn't be against them having an orange triangle if they were also given a blue circle or square. Hell I'd be ok with switching Sullist and Utupauh's resource values from a lore standpoint (though that would **** up the game balance)

The empire was REALLY interesting in kyber crystals though. and the total amount of kyber crystals mined isn't what's important. You don't need a lot to be useful. That's why I think it should be a one shot mission. Though region specific missions don't really effect the empire since they can't be captured. It would have to do something like require the empire to have troops in Ilum or something. Maybe improve the mission's effectiveness if you have units in Ilum. Some people theorize that Star Killer Base was actually constructed out of what was left of Ilum after the empire strip mined it.

Edited by davidumstattd

I remember in the WOTC RPG, they talked about spin sealed gas for infantry blasters, (EU), and I seem to remember one of the video games talking about it, (canon). In ESB, Lando outright states that his op is a small one, so, yeah, it wouldn't produce much.

I never did get into Clone Wars, (Canon). And I could have sworn Wookiepedia was EU? Been a while since i was there, so... Just went, it has both canon and EU. :le sigh: As to Kyber crystals, I can't disagree with the idea of a special mission. I can't agree with the concept of adding it to the planet as a resource. Sorry, I should have clarified. Also, the video games, (almost all canon, I think all, but, not sure), state that kyber crystals come from multiple places, not just Ilum, (which I keep trying to spell as Ilium, **** you Sheppard). So, again, that shouldn't be a factor, (maybe a mission that can go to ANY non populous planet?)

This one is kind of hazy, but, I seem to remember seeing some storyboarding regarding a Sullustian spec ops group that was deadly viscious, but, was a fair size, (thinking like Canadian Airborne, US Rangers or Royal Marines?). I guess elite would be a better term over Spec Ops

That was one thing I liked about ol' Georgie, he was pretty good about keeping canon lore straight, (until Clone Wars when he introduced Asoka Tana).

you are right about the Kyber Crystals, there are quite a few places that have Kyber Crystals. And Mygeeto has it's own knock off kyber crystals which is part of the reason for it's high resource value.

As for Tibanna gas there are a few really powerful blasters that use Tibanna gas and they kick ass. But they're the exception not the rule. and thus I imagine they're used by many protagonists in games and thus imply they are more common than they really are. At least that's my understanding.

And remember Bespin only has a population of 6 million which is relatively minuscule (more than Mandalor though which is amazing to think) Which goes to show you how powerful Mandalorians are as a warrior race. Historically they were a capital of an empire that threatened the republic.

Yeah, I still agree with you about Bespin. As to Kyber crystals, I don't remember specifics just that you could find them all over.

And Mandalorians almost wiped out the Jedi, so.....

Yeah back when the Mandalorian population was enormous. At the time of the galactic Civil war they are on the verge of extinction. The Clone Wars weren't good on them. They were all "Why fight the Seperatists when we can slaughter each other?"

At least that's my understanding.

Speaking of Kyber Crystals, looks like we might be seeing one for the first time in a major film this December! :D

Speaking of Kyber Crystals, looks like we might be seeing one for the first time in a major film this December! :D

Maybe that will make up for them not having Kyle Katar or Jan Ors in this.

Lol who am I kidding nothing will make up for that >:-(

I mean you literally have characters who act like and have back stories similar to those characters in your film but nah we'll just create new characters from nowhere with similar names.

It's like Star Wars is making a cheap knockoff of itself. What even.

Speaking of Kyber Crystals, looks like we might be seeing one for the first time in a major film this December! :D

Maybe that will make up for them not having Kyle Katar or Jan Ors in this.

Lol who am I kidding nothing will make up for that >:-(

I mean you literally have characters who act like and have back stories similar to those characters in your film but nah we'll just create new characters from nowhere with similar names.

It's like Star Wars is making a cheap knockoff of itself. What even.

It's silly, but I get it.

It's the same reason that the Solo's child isn't named Jacen, or why if Luke ends up with a hot former sith redhead she's unlikely to be called Mara Jade.

The "Legends" stuff simply isn't going to hit the big screen, but Disney knows that people do hold it dear. So, rather than bastardizing these beloved characters, we're seeing shades of familiarity to varying degrees. I understand how some people might not like it, but it makes sense, and helps fans keep the canon and legends straight.

If they're going to change things at least keep the names so the characters feel somewhat original. Right now Jin Ersa already feels like a Bastardization of Jan Ors.

If they're going to change things at least keep the names so the characters feel somewhat original. Right now Jin Ersa already feels like a Bastardization of Jan Ors.

Not sure I understand- you'd prefer that they'd keep the names so the characters feel more original? To me, that would almost seem more lazy.

Yeah, I mean this is obviously a case where the best we can do is shrug and say "to each their own". I guess the reason I appreciate this approach is that it almost seems to mimic oral traditions. No matter one's religion, they will typically view most myth as fictional- yet, there is often some truth to the myth. For instance, disaster tales like floods are very common across various mythologies, and often anthropologists and archaeologists have discovered some sort of ancient flood that may have inspired the myth. Even if Jyn Erso is based on Jan Ors (which technically, in our reality, is backward from canon), perhaps that's how we're to view Jan's status in Legends.

It's a little revisionist, but hey- I, at least, find it pretty interesting.

Way to bring religion into things unnecessarily. If you view your religion as myth then you don't really believe in it. But do you really want to open this can of worms? Obviously the great flood happened as evidenced by what we know now through science and the preponderance of historic accounts. Calling it myth is just insulting to people.

Anyway... back on topic. So how bout them planet resources?

Way to bring religion into things unnecessarily. If you view your religion as myth then you don't really believe in it. But do you really want to open this can of worms? Obviously the great flood happened as evidenced by what we know now through science and the preponderance of historic accounts. Calling it myth is just insulting to people.

Anyway... back on topic. So how bout them planet resources?

Jeez man, I really didn't mean to offend anyone. I was really not referring to anything specific at all- there are a lot of flood myths across all cultures, such as Greek and Roman mythology- I wasn't referring to whatever faith you hold. As a student of anthropology, that kind of thing genuinely interests me. Sorry if I offended you.

No problem. I'm not "offended" you didn't insult me specifically. I just think you're wrong. Religious people don't look at their history as "myth" they think it's established history. Now not everyone has scientific and archeological evidence to support the events described in their records (like Christianity does.) But still. If you think religious people look at their sacred texts and think they're just stories of questionable validity then you really don't understand religious people. This idea that religion is somehow free or against the realm of reason is really dangerous. If your religion can't stand up to scrutiny then you got a crap religion.

Don't be afraid to offend people. But if your opinion isn't strong enough to offend someone with then it probably isn't an opinion worth having.

Anyway... how bout them lore accurate resource allocations?