KoR: Nightsister and Tusken Raider spoiled

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny



Holy, do we have translation? Only one blank side and abilities

Sister Noci

Action - Deal 1 damage to this character to re-roll a die

Tuskan Raider

When you activate this character, you may discard 1 card from your hand to roll one of its or its upgrade's dice.

(I think on the last - maybe it's spend one of the rolled die? My Czech is a little weak, but it's close enough to Slovak to get the gist.)

Sister Noci

Action - Deal 1 damage to this character to re-roll a die

Tuskan Raider

When you activate this character, you may discard 1 card from your hand to roll one of its or its upgrade's dice.

(I think on the last - maybe it's spend one of the rolled die? My Czech is a little weak, but it's close enough to Slovak to get the gist.)

Sister Noci

Action - Deal 1 damage to this character to re-roll a die

Tuskan Raider

When you activate this character, you may discard 1 card from your hand to roll one of its or its upgrade's dice.

(I think on the last - maybe it's spend one of the rolled die? My Czech is a little weak, but it's close enough to Slovak to get the gist.)

when you activate this character you can discard 1 card from your hand and reroll one of this character´s dice or one dice from an upgrade attached to this character.

This sounds like an incredible weak ability. Sure you would safe an action, but you also can only reroll one die, while you usually would want to reroll multiple dice with the card discard.

Sister Noci

Action - Deal 1 damage to this character to re-roll a die

Tuskan Raider

When you activate this character, you may discard 1 card from your hand to roll one of its or its upgrade's dice.

(I think on the last - maybe it's spend one of the rolled die? My Czech is a little weak, but it's close enough to Slovak to get the gist.)

when you activate this character you can discard 1 card from your hand and reroll one of this character´s dice or one dice from an upgrade attached to this character.
This sounds like an incredible weak ability. Sure you would safe an action, but you also can only reroll one die, while you usually would want to reroll multiple dice with the card discard.






Without taking forever to post the translations and cards. They are all translated on the KOR Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/knightsofrenpodcast/

And I was just about to post my translations anyways!

I'm curious about where that cards came from. Are they Slovak or Czech?

As the developer of SW Destiny DB, and as an spaniard, the site will be translated into Spanish. And as a person who loves languages, I'd like to see the site translated in more languages if possible. Maybe the source of these spoilers is interested in translating and provinding card images in this language.