KoR Let's Discuss: Tactical Mastery

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny


Hey Destiny fans, Rick here to discuss our final red card of the week: Tactical Mastery. Tactical Mastery is a 1 cost villain event that allows you to spot a Red character on your side to take up to 2 additional actions. It may not look like it at first glance, but this is an extremely powerful and versatile effect. Tactical Mastery can be used in multiple ways to gain an action advantage on your opponent. First, it can be used to activate 2 of your characters to quickly get dice into your pool. Or you could play an upgrade onto one of your characters and immediately activate them, essentially giving all of your upgrades ambush for the cost of a card and a resource...


Amazing card and every red deck will want two of them. First round: play this card to roll dice them instantly resolve them.

What's not to love?

Very strong card but I would rather wait a turn or two until my characters have some equipment to activate my character and kill an opponent character before he can react.

Cool card though it seems like a villain version of Hit and Run that cost 1 instead of 0 but is more flexible as to what actions you can use. I hope there aren't too many of these sort of mirror pairs in the game, they could have just made 1 neutral and used the other slot for another card in the set