Spending Advantage & Threat in combat

By GroggyGolem, in Game Masters

Over on the SWRPG subreddit, someone asked if they had been using Advantage and Threat wrong.

One of the responses noted that the only option to spend Advantage/Threat that actually says you can choose multiple times is recovering/taking strain and that means the other options are once per dice roll.

Someone else mentioned that in Age of Rebellion and Force & Destiny, the text next to recovering/taking strain in parenthesis is not there, and I can confirm that with the F&D book in front of me. This brings up doubt on the idea that one can only spend multiple advantage/threat on recovering/taking strain.

I wanted to see what the consensus was here about that subject. Have I also been spending Advantage/Threat wrong by allowing every option to be chosen multiple times?

Edited by GroggyGolem

I generally stick to one instance of everything but Strain. However, I will allow a Triumph to double up on anything (extra crit, i.e.: +10). I only stick to the rule to encourage diversity and imagination, but I break it regularly to keep things moving.

Given the book says the 6-2 table are examples and not to be considered exhaustive, with GMs and PCs encouraged to think of and use agreed upon options, there is no up/down answer. Do what works for you and your PCs. That's what RAW are.

Edited by 2P51

The only restriction I place on this is that I only allow one boost die to "next acting character" and one boost die to a specified character. Otherwise I could very easily see situations where someone consistently uses all their advantage to give the next player boost dice, who then gets even more advantage and gives more boost dice to the next character, and so on until you're stuck with a ridiculous dice pool that steamrolls everything in its way.

I have done this from the beginning of my GM career, I have, in some cases, let the players decide what it is that the threat/advantage will be used for, but in other cases, I have overruled them and chosen my own way to go with it. Like, for instance, used a whole ton of advantage against an NPC and I asked the player if he wanted to crit him or wanted me to do something else with it, he chose the latter, thus an Imperial Inquisitor was standing in front of an airlock and then he was jettisoned out into space.

So it all depends on your personal preference on how you want to use advantage/threat.