I am sure this has been asked but....

By syrilian, in Star Wars: Destiny

When is the dang game going to be released? Is there a firm date yet?

The launch events at everyone's LGS's are happening around the 20th of this month.

It's weird. The launch events are taking place between the 18th and the 20th, but no one seems to be sure if this heralds the general release of the game, or if the general release will come a week or two later.

It seems the going opinion is the mass release of the product will be in late November or early December. Most likely December.

Which sort of creates a potential issue in that the pre-release kits contain 12 of each starter and 4 booster boxes. Assuming 12 people show up to a given pre-release, you can assume that most will buy a second starter (just to have both versions, I plan on doing just that) and this could mean that there will be boosters in stores, but limited starters at the time of this soft release.

No one knows.

I'll be pretty astounded if they don't get this on shelves for Black Friday. That seems like a monumental marketing oversight, barring shipping/customs delays. And you'd think that's the sort of thing that getting bought out by Asmodee was supposed to help with.

I thought TC said it's out around the start of December? I've certainly heard that somewhere...

I noticed that Destiny is now listed within Amazon (one seller) and it mentions a November 18th releases date. Not sure how credible the source is listing it though.

It went on the boat on 9/29 per the upcoming page. Mist products take minimum 8 weeks to hit store shelves once they get on the boat.