RTL: Question Marks

By howlingfang, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So far we have played two dungeon levels that had '?' on them. One was the one where the '?'s web the players for the skeletons to attack against and the other was the Downward Spiral where the '?' spaces allow the OL to play chest/door traps. Do the players get to know where the question marks are when the map is layed out? That is the way we played it for these two levels, but the players just avoided them making them pretty useless. Or do the players know there are ? marks out there just not where they are?

You sure those weren't X's and not ?'s ? The heroes should know where the ?'s are since they are usually levers, plates, gems or something that the heroes are suppose to touch/get/stand on, etc. The X's are hidden locations that the heroes should not know about.

Yeah, the maps he's talking about have X's, not ?'s.

Right...that's what I meant. Thanks for answer.