KoR Let's Discuss: Hit and Run

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny


The following review is kinda long. I got a little carried away exploring some of the bananas actions that are possible with this card even with the relatively small card pool we have. Some of the combo ideas below are pretty silly, granted, but they are primarily there to show the strength this card has in opening up plays above and beyond just the obvious “Roll & Resolve” action.

I’ll start by saying that I like this card a lot. I love the art (it’s a Rebel Duros Saboteur – art which should look familiar to anyone who plays Imperial Assault), and I love its effect. I love the fact that it costs zero (resources are really tight in this game – it’s like there’s a galaxy-wide recession in the Star Wars universe, or something…). I love its versatility; it always has a use, particularly if you’ve gone ham on your Red Hero Characters. I can drop it with zero setup and get good value from it, or I can use it for all manner of silliness. Let’s dive in....
