4 new cards spoiled in Miami Dice's review video.

By JediGeekGirl, in Star Wars: Destiny

For snap shot pictures, check out Destiny Shapers on Facebook.

I don't think they understand the rules of the game. There is a very liberal mulligan rule, cards can be discarded to re-roll dice, and unused cards can be discarded at the end of each round for new cards. For once, it is a CCG that doesn't have a "I didn't get the right cards, I'm screwed." There is always SOMETHING to do with your cards.

I don't think they understand the rules of the game. There is a very liberal mulligan rule, cards can be discarded to re-roll dice, and unused cards can be discarded at the end of each round for new cards. For once, it is a CCG that doesn't have a "I didn't get the right cards, I'm screwed." There is always SOMETHING to do with your cards.

I agree. This was a very odd review to watch.

Usually I really like how thorough Tom is on his reviews. I feel like they came into this game with preconceived notations of "how it was going to be" and then didn't take the time to actually learn how to play the game.

I too went into this game with preconceived ideas and biases, but I'm not making a living by reviewing board games. Team Covenant seemed to have the same apprehensions I did. I am SOOOOO tired of the CCG format! I'm also not a big fan of Dice Masters because of how clunky the game is.

Hats off to Team Covenant for being professionals. They actually learned how to play the game and gave it a fair shot. I was 100% opposed to this game until I read one of their articles. Then, I watched a video. Curious, I played a few games on Tabletop Simulator. I highly recommend that people take a look at their play-through and review videos before writing this game off.


Edited by Stone37

Not a super fan of Tom. AND Sam H. CAN be really blunt Sometimes. HOW EVER I share the concern of how many booster packs you need to make a real New deck with let's say leia is 10 packs enough?

I felt that the review mirrored reactions from people around here.

Sam: "CCG. Nope, not buying it."

Tom: "Enjoyed it and will come back for a follow up after buying more and playing more."

The trouble was, Sam didn't review the game as much as the sales method, he decision was made for the game being a CCG.

Not a super fan of Tom. AND Sam H. CAN be really blunt Sometimes. HOW EVER I share the concern of how many booster packs you need to make a real New deck with let's say leia is 10 packs enough?

Leia is rare and uses a single dice from what I have at hand of what has been spoiled. So, 1 pack may be enough if you get lucky and 10 may be too few if you don't.

My question back to you here, is; If you build two decks from what you have and play at home for fun. Will the game be less fun if you don't get that one card?

Not a super fan of Tom. AND Sam H. CAN be really blunt Sometimes. HOW EVER I share the concern of how many booster packs you need to make a real New deck with let's say leia is 10 packs enough?

Edited by Rogue30

You cannot put a tie fighter on a stormtrooper as it is a support card and not an upgrade card . the other cards are battlefields and not locations . before you review a game learn the rules . otherwise you end up sounding like and coming over as a pair of schmucks and you are probably the worst pair of game reviews I have ever seen .

Pretty straightforward Miami Dice Vid. Tom liked it, Sam didn't like the model and said the game was forgettable. I am looking forward to this game. I hope it doest fizzle out and has some staying power

Not a super fan of Tom. AND Sam H. CAN be really blunt Sometimes. HOW EVER I share the concern of how many booster packs you need to make a real New deck with let's say leia is 10 packs enough?

Leia is rare and uses a single dice from what I have at hand of what has been spoiled. So, 1 pack may be enough if you get lucky and 10 may be too few if you don't.

My question back to you here, is; If you build two decks from what you have and play at home for fun. Will the game be less fun if you don't get that one card?

Most likely not however Leia was just an example. I would love to play around with other characters for both sides. That would generate more fun for me. it crossed my mind to buy a gravity feed with a couple of friends and from there divide what we want. Leia and dooku being characters I like and want to play.

I've never seen a Miami Dice review before, but to be honest these guys seemed kind of amateurish. "This is the F-10 Rifle" *the image clearly reads F-11D*

Not a super fan of Tom. AND Sam H. CAN be really blunt Sometimes. HOW EVER I share the concern of how many booster packs you need to make a real New deck with let's say leia is 10 packs enough?

Leia is rare and uses a single dice from what I have at hand of what has been spoiled. So, 1 pack may be enough if you get lucky and 10 may be too few if you don't.

My question back to you here, is; If you build two decks from what you have and play at home for fun. Will the game be less fun if you don't get that one card?

Most likely not however Leia was just an example. I would love to play around with other characters for both sides. That would generate more fun for me. it crossed my mind to buy a gravity feed with a couple of friends and from there divide what we want. Leia and dooku being characters I like and want to play.

There has been a lot of speculation as to what Rare and Legendary actually mean. Here is what we DO know: Every booster will have a single Rare/Legendary card and then 4 more cards that are common/uncommon. ALL cards that have dice are Rare or Legendary. That's it.... that's what we know. We don't have the ratios, other than 4 common/uncommon for every 1 rare/legendary in a booster.

No for my SPECULATION: I don't think FFG is going for the MTG model with its boosters. I think it wants you to get at least 1 new card every time you buy a booster. Which card will you be most excited for? The one with the dice. By giving you one at a time, they cut down on the chances of you opening the 3rd of that same dice/card combo rare or legendary. I base this PURE SPECULATION on the reviews I have seen thus far where people have opened boosters. (This video being one of them.)

I'm thinking that uncommons will be just as hard to flesh out as rares, as I believe they'll only be one in a back. Uncommons are basically the "rares" of the diceless cards, and will likely be just as difficult to get a full playset as all the various dice associated cards. That kind of bother's me.

I'm thinking that uncommons will be just as hard to flesh out as rares, as I believe they'll only be one in a back. Uncommons are basically the "rares" of the diceless cards, and will likely be just as difficult to get a full playset as all the various dice associated cards. That kind of bother's me.

Don't underestimate the power of trading with other players. Trading can be a fantastic tool to flesh out your sets and, since the rarity of a particular card isn't hidden or secret, it'll be easy to trade.

No for my SPECULATION: I don't think FFG is going for the MTG model with its boosters. I think it wants you to get at least 1 new card every time you buy a booster. Which card will you be most excited for? The one with the dice. By giving you one at a time, they cut down on the chances of you opening the 3rd of that same dice/card combo rare or legendary. I base this PURE SPECULATION on the reviews I have seen thus far where people have opened boosters. (This video being one of them.)

I would agree with this. Whereas Dicemaster has the pull of cards and dice with the main point of interest being rarity level and MTG also has the main point of interest as the rarity level, this game feels like the pull will be the dice, as they have the built in rarity level and instantly do something that all other components of the game do not. With Dicemaster, I have a ton of dice and after awhile they lose significance.

I don't think they understand the rules of the game. There is a very liberal mulligan rule, cards can be discarded to re-roll dice, and unused cards can be discarded at the end of each round for new cards. For once, it is a CCG that doesn't have a "I didn't get the right cards, I'm screwed." There is always SOMETHING to do with your cards.

There are lots of CCGs that work this way. To be honest, having to get checklist times whatever (2?) is enough to keep me from jumping in until distribution reports/secondary market pricing is known. I'm not really the target market for collectible games, though.

I've never seen a Miami Dice review before, but to be honest these guys seemed kind of amateurish. "This is the F-10 Rifle" *the image clearly reads F-11D*

You're funny.

They were in a tough spot for this review. We all know that the starter deck game isn't the greatest and a bit unbalanced. When they did this review they had only two starters and 4 boosters. Which doesn't really give them a good sample of what the game really offers.

After demoing the starter game I had pretty much written it off. Then I saw they had a Table Top Simulator mod running with all the spoiled cards. I decided to give it a go and have since pre ordered 2 booster boxes.

Based on what they had I feel like it was a fair review.

They were in a tough spot for this review. We all know that the starter deck game isn't the greatest and a bit unbalanced. When they did this review they had only two starters and 4 boosters. Which doesn't really give them a good sample of what the game really offers.

After demoing the starter game I had pretty much written it off. Then I saw they had a Table Top Simulator mod running with all the spoiled cards. I decided to give it a go and have since pre ordered 2 booster boxes.

Based on what they had I feel like it was a fair review.

I can sympathize with their limitations, but any review that does not present the game with a clear understanding of the game's rules and basic tactics is not a fair review. Many of the mechanics they presented were not as the rules governs the game. Also, many of the problems or concerns they had with the game came from their misunderstanding of the rules.

I believe Tom is too much of a professional to let this stand as his only review of the game. I'm sure he'll come back to it again in a month or two.

I agree with Stone37.

It is very hard to do a review of a CCG game off of such limited material, but to do a review of any game and mess up the rules that badly is a fundamental failure as a reviewer.

Let's do this again in a coupe of months

I had a few issues with this review, and normally I like Dice Tower's stuff.

One of the big complaints they (and a lot of other people have) is cost to get started. But if you look at any other Star Wars game out right now, it's all going to be pretty similar. Even if you get two of each starter and 10 boosters, you're looking at around $90, which is a lot cheaper than buying the Imperial Assault starter base set and corresponding figures. If you want to build a solid foundation for the Star Wars LCG, it's recommended you have two copies of the core set and two copies of Edge of Darkness, and then any other packs you might want. Collecting enough X-Wing ships will definitely run you at least that much, especially if you want to have a couple squads of different factions available. I actually love that the entry point for Destiny is kind of up to you, apart from the starters. It's easier to get your feet wet in the game without making an initial big investment.

The other thing I thought was interesting was the question of replayability. I find games where you can always be getting new cards and tweaking your decks endlessly replayable, as long as I enjoy the game itself. Of course it will probably get old if you never buy any more cards, but where's the fun in that?

They were in a tough spot for this review. We all know that the starter deck game isn't the greatest and a bit unbalanced. When they did this review they had only two starters and 4 boosters.

Well FFG sent them the review set so it isn't entirely their fault that what they were sent didn't make the game look enjoyable.

I think Tom did say he will look at this again and review it when he has more stuff.

I've never seen a Miami Dice review before, but to be honest these guys seemed kind of amateurish. "This is the F-10 Rifle" *the image clearly reads F-11D*

The text on the card may be "clear", but this isn't the first pre-review that has made this mistake.

I thought it was a fair review for a snapshot view of the game. It voices many concerns I have about it, but having seen other other content I'm still interested. The CCG model is a big turn-off for people and at this point there is still quite a lot of unknowns in that area with the "how many boosters are needed to make an off-faction character work post-starter" being an interesting one.

It would be nice if they can revisit the game once it has become a bit more established and the full team-building and meta-game aspects come into play. It was mentioned several times that the rules were dead simple (almost in a negative sense), but with team-building and more games played I'm hoping that those simple rules end up providing a game that is both fast and with a rich variety of options.