8 new cards spoiled in Inverse's Destiny article.

By JediGeekGirl, in Star Wars: Destiny

Nice Find!!

I think this is also worth highlighting:

The release plan for booster cycles is thrice yearly, with new starter decks on an annual schedule.

Edited by Amanal

Nice Find!!

I think this is also worth highlighting:

The release plan for booster cycles is thrice yearly, with new starter decks on an annual schedule.

Am I reading that right? Three booster expansions per year and one new starter (light and dark) per year?

Nice Find!!

I think this is also worth highlighting:

The release plan for booster cycles is thrice yearly, with new starter decks on an annual schedule.

Am I reading that right? Three booster expansions per year and one new starter (light and dark) per year?

What is their source for this? (None listed.)

So an LCG has around 300 cards released per year - two 120 card cycles and one 60 card deluxe.

So can we assume that all future sets will be around the 140-170 mark?

So an LCG has around 300 cards released per year - two 120 card cycles and one 60 card deluxe.

So can we assume that all future sets will be around the 140-170 mark?

That seems like a lot. It's easier to complete LCGs on Day One, but CCGs in some cases can't even be completed by collectors until a couple weeks after they're released and that's if you're aggressive. I would assume it'll take time for collectors to complete given expansions, so I would guess smaller expansion sizes.

New starter decks yearly sounds good. 3 booster expansions per year is probably a bit much for me personally but doesn't sound too bad overall. 2 would probably be a bit slow and 4 would be way too much.

I'd personally prefer 2 (especially since I have other games to worry about as well) but 3 probably makes more business sense.

The size of the sets will be determined mostly by how FFG print the cards and arrange the various rarities on each sheet. With some regard to the production and inclusion of dice.

The frequency of each set will then be about playtest, art design and filling out each of the card slots with suitable cards and dice.

If the first expansion was announced as being say 136 because of that we'll probably see that being rather standard. A simple thought, but maybe we get 2 small sets at about 116 cards (two thirds of the 174) and then a two starter/174 card set once a year.