Question about Whirlpool / Dungeon Entrance

By player562910, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Has anything been said about what to do for this on some of the maps where you are supposed to use both?

Is the Whirlpool a typo on those maps or can we call and get a second punch of one?

Just curious as this was the first Island my party went to and it was kind of frustrating as I'd already been missing some of my monsters from an unfortunate boxing issue and it was kinda blarg not being able to set the map up properly.

Have you contacted FFG's customer support yet? My guess is FFG will ship out a second piece of these guys to those who bought the first print run as an "errata", and then the second print run will have it proper.

In the meantime, just use some other 9x9 marker and pretend it's the whirlpool, or make your own (scan+print).


I was going to call them sometime this week anyway so I'll tack that on... problems with Middle Earth Quest figs and it turns out while I was doing inventory I got a few weird pieces with the sets.

Missing a master hellhound but have an extra master razor wing

Missing a non master ferrox (which doesn't come up too often)

You might want to check the island mission, as the one I played stated that after the master monster was killed, the whirlpool would dissappear and the dungeon entrance would "open". So we assumed that's why there was only one tile in the box.

There are only 2 maps that use both the whirlpool and the cave entrance:

- Cerridor Sea - Hunted Isle : This one the cave unlocks when the two sorcerers are killed (i.e. both whirlpool and cave are on map at same time)
- Winnowing Straits - Shark Lagoon : The cave entrance is unlocked, so both tiles are on the map at the same time

I'm not sure which one you're referring to that removes the whilrpool when the cave unlocks.

Having said that, Thaadd did get back with me:

"At this point, I think this error is likely going to end up as an errata item. I've had a couple of other inquiries about this, this weekend - it's a bit early to expect an errata quite yet, however. I don't have spare parts for this title yet, but generally for a single tile piece, they don't print out special 'error' pieces, and I won't have sufficient to send out to cover everyone..."

So they will either errata something to the effect of using a different tile piece, or have a high quality image we can download and print, etc.


I feel bad for Thaadd, but they need to put out an errata for a few things and soon.

The map piece, I can work around. Probably use it as the whirlpool on those maps and just build a cave entrance out of rubble and pit tokens and just say it acts the same.

We ran the Cerridor Sea island, and just assumed that if the two sorcerers controlling the manticore also caused the whirlpool, and removed it once the second one was killed. it really didnt affect gameplay at all in our case.

For my part, I'm planning to do the scan and print plan. I have some sticker paper, so I'll scan the whirlpool and one side of another 3x3 tile and then stick each scanned image to the other tile's face. I'm not sure what otehr 3x3 tiles I have off the top of my head, but my plan is to use something from inside a dungeon as the swap out item, to ensure that it and the cave entrance won't appear on the same map.

Steve-O has the right idea. If you have a scanner just scan the thing and print it out. And for those that don't I really don't see the problem here? We just have the Whirlpool be encountered first and when the main critters are beat the Entrance is "exposed" or is revealed just as the Whirlpool disappears. I swear some people treat this as it if were the end of the world. If anything I don't see it as an error as it was way to save on printing an extra piece of cardboard.

If FFG releases a printable image so be it and if not it doesn't stop the game from being played. A bit of common sense to work around the problem is all that is needed. But I understand some folks need a place to ***** about the small stuff. :P

I don't think people are bitching about small stuff, I think the primary concern is the confusion of wondering if the map is correct or if they are missing pieces.

I contacted support after reading this thread and there may be an errata on this one. When we played the island, we had a round coaster that fit in the 3x3 zone and used that as a proxy. I do have pretty good hard card stock for the printer, so I will most likely scan it in and reprint it for use, just to have it.

Update from Thaadd, she said that they're working on putting up a printable version of the whirlpool so you can print-n-play with the marker as needed.


Thanks Zombiemold, saves me the hassle of scanning it myself.

I'm quite glad I found this thread, I was wondering where the tile went and whether I missed something important lengua.gif