Hi all,
I'm new to the whole Star Wars thing (finally taking the plunge after FFG have divested their 40k line) and decided to start with this package as I like the setting (probably for no other reason than it's new.....).
Having bought it though I did notice that they are not planning to release a full game for this setting and was wondering if this means they won't be releasing other adventures for this setting?
I find the current two adventures underwhelming, which is fine as they are only introductory adventures anyway but it makes me think if they are not going to put out more information into this setting what was the point in the first place?
I am thinking about getting Force and Destiny as the full game as the idea of being a force user appeals to me more than the other lines but of course that doesn't help with this setting just the rules.
Is anyone aware if more products are scheduled for this line or if there are any good homebrewed adventures/background available?
Thanks in advance