Wording: May resolve

By john_nld, in Star Wars: Destiny

Per the rules:

You may resolve any number of dice in your pool that have the same symbol, one at a time.

After you resolve a die it returns to the card that it came from.

Damage from a die or a die resolved with modifiers must be dealt to a single character.

Thus, you can resolve 0 or more die with the same type and assign each die (or a die and its modifiers together) to one or more characters. This also means that you must resolve the ENTIRE die (that is, if you roll 3 focus you can't spend 1 and bank two).

Actually the wording says any nummer of dice. So using 2 of the 3 focus should be fine. right? Any means Just that, any, so "banking" is legal. some where a long the release I think this must be clarified. However

HOW often would you not resolve e them all. COSTING an extra action but a focus still available After some one claimed the battlefield might be huge

Anyway I think a leaflet is not enough for the complex timing and tactics this game brings to the table

The 3 focus reference in the quoted text is all on one dice.

tropoFarmer means if you have one dice with a 3Focus result on it you cannot use one point of it to change one other dice to any side and 'bank'/keep 2Focus for another action - if you don't use all 3, the remainder is lost.


You cannot bank values on a die. The wording dice say that you may resolve any number of dice, not that you many resolve any number ON a die.

I misunderstood. and I agree. a die must be resolved in full

• A player cannot choose to resolve dice symbols if they have

no symbols of that type to resolve. A player must resolve at

least one die when taking this action.

Edited by bilosta

when you think about it it's only logical. doing nothing is a pass!