Currently, the FAQ has stated that if you are engaged you can attack another squadron at distance 1.
yes, but that is "specific" to obstructions and at distance 1, hard to apply it to Snipe , but i get where you are going for sure . i guess we going to have to wait a few months for FAQ i hope FFG addresses Snipe.
Q: If a squadron is at distance 1 of two enemy squadrons, onethat it is engaged with and one that it is not engaged withbecause it is separated by an obstacle, does the originalsquadron have to attack the engaged squadron?A: No. A squadron can attack another squadron at distance 1regardless of whether it is technically engaged with thatsquadron.
Answered in such a way, as squadrons (at that time) could only attack at distance 1.
What is the mostimportant part to take from that:
1) You don't have to shoot someone you're engaged with.
2) You can only ever shoot at distance 1.