Here the link to the new AO's sheet
Hastur 2016 Arkham Nights on BGG
I have no idea how this works.Does the first ability apply per trophy ? Or does it count only once for a single purchase?I don't immediately understand the consequence for the "must move off entrance" ability. Does this meant that investigators will never be able to use the entrance ability again? That seems rather... insane, especially for a GoA game.I also don't understand the final combat. It looks as though there isn't one; the game continues as "normal." Does he fill up his doom tokens or not? What does "cannot be added to the track" mean? How might or might not investigators be on the entrance space when his attack occurs? Do investigators devoured by something other than his ability still get replaced?So confused.
We've played with this new AO a couple times now, so here's my understanding:
1) No. It's each time they spend trophies, regardless of how many are spent in that specific purchase.
2) What it means is that if you start your turn on the Entrance, you must move your investigator off of the Entrance. So, basically the only way to use the Entrance is to have failed an adventure the previous turn (meaning you start your turn on the adventure, move to the Entrance, and then spend trophies). So, not quite as insane as not being able to use the Entrance at all... but still pretty nuts.
3) As far as the final conflict, you continue playing the game as normal. However, The doom track will be full (since that's how he awakens), so each time you would normally have to add a Doom Token (which you can't, since the track is full), you instead advance the clock. Each time the clock hits Midnight, Hastur "attacks"... and anyone on the Entrance is eliminated from the game.
Edited by KBlumhardtKBlumhard is correct on almost all points.
1) correct, each time you spend trophies
2) almost correct: with the core game and Unseen Forces you won't be able to use the Entrance at all, since using the Entrance requires you to spend an entire turn there, and with this AO you must move away from the entrance during movement; you'll still be able to spend trophies in Omens and Gates, tho
3) I don't understand what you mean by "filling up the doom track": it's not Arkham Horror, so, the only way for the AO to wake up is because the doom track is filled (unless I'm missing some very specific effect). Once Hastur awakes, you keep playing: if you get 15 ES before everyone's devoured, then you win the game; if the whole party is devoured, you lose the game. You do not draw any replacement investigator if any effect devours one of your characters (this wording on the AO is ambiguous, hopefully the next FAQ will clarify it), but you resolve all the rest: at midnight you resolve a mythos card, and so on.
Hope this clarifies it
3) As far as the final conflict, you continue playing the game as normal. However, The doom track will be full (since that's how he awakens), so each time you would normally have to add a Doom Token (which you can't, since the track is full), you instead advance the clock. Each time the clock hits Midnight, Hastur "attacks"... and anyone on the Entrance is eliminated from the game.
Anyone NOT on the Entrance is devoured; so, as long as you keep passing the adventures, you have a chance to survive.
Thanks guys. Arkham Horror has about 12 different ways the AO can awaken, so I forgot that in ES there's only one.
It makes sense. Guy looks interesting now; a final combat that's not a final combat...
KBlumhard is correct on almost all points.
2) almost correct: with the core game and Unseen Forces you won't be able to use the Entrance at all, since using the Entrance requires you to spend an entire turn there, and with this AO you must move away from the entrance during movement; you'll still be able to spend trophies in Omens and Gates, tho
I disagree here... It says you cannot choose to " stay on the entrance" during the movement phase. It does not say you cannot move to the entrance. So, if you start the movement phase on an adventure, there shouldn't be any reason you couldn't use the movement phase to move to the entrance and then use it. I know it says "investigators must move to an adventure", but since that comes after the semi-colon, I read that as saying you must move from the entrance to an adventure if you begin your turn at the entrance. Otherwise, I feel like the card would have simply said " Investigators must end the movement phase on an adventure ".
I do see your point though, so I could see it either way... it's just that completely disabling the entrance seems really, really harsh.
3) As far as the final conflict, you continue playing the game as normal. However, The doom track will be full (since that's how he awakens), so each time you would normally have to add a Doom Token (which you can't, since the track is full), you instead advance the clock. Each time the clock hits Midnight, Hastur "attacks"... and anyone on the Entrance is eliminated from the game.
Anyone NOT on the Entrance is devoured; so, as long as you keep passing the adventures, you have a chance to survive.
I totally missed the "not" part of the wording. Whoops! Thanks for pointing that out. I'm a little embarrassed...
Edited by KBlumhardtKBlumhardt,
the point is that if you start your movement phase on an adventure and you move to the Entrance, you move there during Movement. Core and UF requires you to spend there your whole turn, thus, moving there during Movement means you need to stay there until Movement ends and spend there the whole Resolution phase, which is not possible with Hastur. In any case, this was the way we were asked to test the guy (Entrance disabled in Core and UF).
I take your point that "stay" could be confusing as a verb; I'll bring your point to the designer's attention so that it can eventually be added to the FAQ list for this particular AO
@Tibs: yes, it's interesting and rather new to ES. It's a much appreciated change, for me at least
Antoher thought on why the Entrance should be resolved the way I suggested: imagine you have an adventure in play whose penalties are negligible. Since investigators are able to fail at any time an adventure, it's enough that investigators keep on failing that adventure to use how many times they want the Entrance, nullifying the AO ability for the whole game
Thanks, Julia!
My pleasure Jacob!
Antoher thought on why the Entrance should be resolved the way I suggested: imagine you have an adventure in play whose penalties are negligible. Since investigators are able to fail at any time an adventure, it's enough that investigators keep on failing that adventure to use how many times they want the Entrance, nullifying the AO ability for the whole game
That's a good point... but the odds you get an adventure that negligible seem unlikely. You're going to at least be losing some health or sanity (if not adding doom or monsters), meaning there would always be at least a noticeable cost to failing intentionally. So, you'd hardly be nullifying the AO ability... more like "mitigating" it.
That's a good point... but the odds you get an adventure that negligible seem unlikely.
But all you need is one.
Hastur seems fair enough, though when he wakes his ability can be brutal quickly.
Thanks for the link.
Antoher thought on why the Entrance should be resolved the way I suggested: imagine you have an adventure in play whose penalties are negligible. Since investigators are able to fail at any time an adventure, it's enough that investigators keep on failing that adventure to use how many times they want the Entrance, nullifying the AO ability for the whole game
But would I not just be failing an adventure over and over then whilst the clock keeps on ticking, bringing doom and the end of all life? If you mean this with regards to after he has Awoken and attempting to bypass his devoured effect. That would only apply for 1,2 or 3 investigator parties as you need to get back to the entrance or you dead. If I employ a strategy to stay on an adventure with negligible fail results - it won't have an Elder Sign as a reward and besides, im choosing to fail it. This has progressed me nothing toward Winning, am I mistaken with my understanding of the game?
I just read what you wrote above as:
"Otherwise you would be able to game the game by continually failing an adventure".
"If you were able to intentionally fail an adventure ( GAINING NO ELDER SIGNS) and use your next turn to go to the entrance and GET HURT to spend some trophies, this would make the game too easy versus Hastur"
Could you provide a real life example of a game state and how that tactic would help you progress toward a WIN with this AO? And to use the Entrance I have to spend trophies, which is gonna hurt. To me that sounds pretty tough already - your version sounds ridiculous.
I think they way his other ability is worded is also confusing, although the word "stay" can be changed I don't think that will solve it, in the Rules of Play for the base game they explain that an investigator can either move or c hoose to stay where he is . Now if I move to the entrance and do stuff - in any version of the game - I am not choosing to stay where I am . As he is currently worded it seems to stay that I cannot choose to stay on the Entrance, so as long as I don't start there I cannot stay there. If I do start there, I need to move.
Antoher thought on why the Entrance should be resolved the way I suggested: imagine you have an adventure in play whose penalties are negligible. Since investigators are able to fail at any time an adventure, it's enough that investigators keep on failing that adventure to use how many times they want the Entrance, nullifying the AO ability for the whole game
But would I not just be failing an adventure over and over then whilst the clock keeps on ticking, bringing doom and the end of all life?
I used a paradox to explain that, if the correct reading was the one KB entered, then this means you can mantain a harmless adventure in play to fail on purpose to go to the Entrance and use the Entrance's options (like healing, buying stuff, and so on), tricking the game a bit. Hastur 2016 was deigned with the idea of forbidding the use of the Entrance while playing with the core and with Unseen Forces.
As said, I entered this point in the FAQ project. Sooner or later (no idea of when, so, don't ask), we'll have an answer.