2016 Worlds Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

kinda difficult to get a special advantage if people gravitate towards the same pool of ships that his model predicts will be kinda awesome

True, but don't forget he hasn't released his most recent model into the public domain, or updated the info on the forum for a year or so...

what the general playerbase lacks in math, it makes up for in playtesting :P

honestly, finding the pattern of "action-independent damage mitigation" which has been all the rage since fat han...well, it isn't a difficult dance to follow anymore :P

now whoever in the hell invented dengaroo was on some good glitterstim, and major just ran the numbers after the fact. Said numbers were just supporting evidence for how powerful the list was

kinda difficult to get a special advantage if people gravitate towards the same pool of ships that his model predicts will be kinda awesome

True, but don't forget he hasn't released his most recent model into the public domain, or updated the info on the forum for a year or so...

There are far too many variables at this point in time with all the different upgrade cards and what/when they can do things. You can't calculate joust efficiency with any degree of accuracy when some of these cards work outside normal phases and have nothing to do with the ships attack or agility values.

If only someone had developed some sort of mathematical model and used it to evaluate the card.

plus about 200 various pilot cards as well while we're at it :D

Just out of interest, how many regionals or above has that mathematical model won for you MJ?

I know I normally snark, but I'm actually genuinely curious to see if it's given you a significant advantage...

He won a regional in 2015, Top 4 at 2015 Nova Open, and finished #20 at Worlds 2015. By his own admission he was unable to attend any regional or higher tournaments in 2016. So he does have some tabletop cred.

As already stated, I also do not think Zuckuss is the problem, people already have pointed to Zuckuss' weaknesses, the problem is in the particular combo, Manaroo, and specifically her affecting the whole battlefield. But if that would be nerfed, than Palp should get the same range restriction.

That said, the meta will shift again. In a tournament yesterday I saw a Outmaneuver Rey + Finn and Stuff, accompanied by a Sabine crewed fully loaded Bomber K. A very good pilot, Rey's damage output was insane, while still having decent defense, while the Kbomber was slamming around placing the bombs strategically (+brutal Sabine ensuring damage).

I do have to say people keep equivocation palp and manaroo and I understand the comparison but I disagree on the conclusion that both should be restricted equally. Palp affecting 1 die at any range to me is very different from shifting all tokens anywhere across the board, especially since manaroo can affect targeting by shifting red target locks from her to another ship which is untargetable.

That said, when I fly Palp shuttle it's usually aggressively and within r1-3 of aces anyway so doesn't affect me much either way.

idk. Would love to hear if anyone has tried out the 8 tie swarm as of late and how it went


Defenders are actually the least of its problems, since no matter how many tokens you have, if you straight up joust the swarm they will almost certainly kill one in the opening salvo and then you will likely be in trouble. defenders are also really easy to block, even if it doesnt affect their action economy too much, so you can exert a measure of control over the game.


This is one anecdotal story, mind you, but in my game against the defenders, my opponent figured that the best course of action was to bump my squad. This limited the number of shots I could consolidate on a single ship, and he had the evade + Juke combo anyway.

My two cents are that neither palp nor the dengaroo combinations are "broken." There are ways to beat them and I don't think anything drastic needs to be done. I think Corran/Miranda could have taken dengaroo down, but it seemed like the outstanding rebel pilot hit a bit of a wall and didn't have a great game plan.


Edited by baranidlo

Defenders are actually the least of its problems, since no matter how many tokens you have, if you straight up joust the swarm they will almost certainly kill one in the opening salvo and then you will likely be in trouble. defenders are also really easy to block, even if it doesnt affect their action economy too much, so you can exert a measure of control over the game.

no, the real issue is Dengaroo. that matchup is basically an auto-lose unless your opponent really screws up. you're not fast enough to catch and kill Roo and Dengar happily oneshots ties while taking basically no damage on the joust. countermeasures + stims mean that you shouldnt even bother shooting him in the first round - the one where ties win or lose games. and doesnt even care if he's blocked.

This is all incorrect.

Triple X-7 Defenders beat TIE swarm more often than not. Sure its quite possible for the TIE fighters to kill one defender early (although that's no certainty). Whether they do or not, it is pretty close to impossible for TIE fighters to kill the remaining two. I have proven this numerous times against some really good players flying TIE swarm against my triple X-7 Defender list, and I have yet to lose that particular matchup...

Also, TIE swarm is actually pretty good against Dengaroo, but you have to fly it very carefully. There's an article explaining how, so I'm not going to cover it in detail, but basically, you split the swarm forcing Manaroo into a corner. You lose a TIE or two in the process, but once Manaroo is trapped, you kill her and then your remaining TIEs have a good fighting chance against Dengar. Not saying its an easy win, but its certainly not an uphill battle...

My two cents are that neither palp nor the dengaroo combinations are "broken." There are ways to beat them and I don't think anything drastic needs to be done. I think Corran/Miranda could have taken dengaroo down, but it seemed like the outstanding rebel pilot hit a bit of a wall and didn't have a great game plan.

This is however not the reason why i think Dengaroo, especially Zuckuss is too strong. This is just a very bad matchup for Corran/Miranda, nothing more to it.

Edited by ForceM

I do have to say people keep equivocation palp and manaroo and I understand the comparison but I disagree on the conclusion that both should be restricted equally. Palp affecting 1 die at any range to me is very different from shifting all tokens anywhere across the board, especially since manaroo can affect targeting by shifting red target locks from her to another ship which is untargetable.

That said, when I fly Palp shuttle it's usually aggressively and within r1-3 of aces anyway so doesn't affect me much either way.

On the other hand, with Manaroo you need to do something to generate tokens, you need to pass them to the ship that you think will need them (which is admittedly kind of easy if there's only one other ship on the board), and then they need to roll results that can make use of those tokens. Compare that to Palpatine who can be on a Shuttle that has a stack of stress that makes you think that Tycho might be flying it or bumps every round and he can always effect a die that needs to be modified. The only way to stop Palpatine from being used is to take him off the board.

While giving Manaroo a range limit would fix what seems broken about Dangaroo, I don't think that her lack of a range limit is a problem with any other squad you put her in.

I do have to say people keep equivocation palp and manaroo and I understand the comparison but I disagree on the conclusion that both should be restricted equally. Palp affecting 1 die at any range to me is very different from shifting all tokens anywhere across the board, especially since manaroo can affect targeting by shifting red target locks from her to another ship which is untargetable.

That said, when I fly Palp shuttle it's usually aggressively and within r1-3 of aces anyway so doesn't affect me much either way.

On the other hand, with Manaroo you need to do something to generate tokens, you need to pass them to the ship that you think will need them (which is admittedly kind of easy if there's only one other ship on the board), and then they need to roll results that can make use of those tokens. Compare that to Palpatine who can be on a Shuttle that has a stack of stress that makes you think that Tycho might be flying it or bumps every round and he can always effect a die that needs to be modified. The only way to stop Palpatine from being used is to take him off the board.

While giving Manaroo a range limit would fix what seems broken about Dangaroo, I don't think that her lack of a range limit is a problem with any other squad you put her in.

And that's why i think it is Zuckuss that needs to be targeted. No usage limitation, 1 point. Come on. Classic no-brainer include, and arguably the thing that makes Dengaroo broken good.

Does anyone else here think that some of this talk is quite disrespectful... OK a Dengaroo list won worlds. There are a lot of variables here, for one thing they might have been played by a really good player (one that kept Hans trapped on an asteroid for 2 turns for example). The game is also played with dice. And lets not point out all the Dengaroo lists that didn't make the cut.

Yes it's a decent list, but the same could be said of most of the lists that went 5-1 or 6-0 in the first day, or top 16. But if the K/E-Wing list had won the finals would people have been calling out for the E-Wing to be nerfed?

You know why the list won Worlds... because it had a **** good player playing it. That made less mistakes on the day than the other players.

If only someone had developed some sort of mathematical model and used it to evaluate the card.

plus about 200 various pilot cards as well while we're at it :D

Just out of interest, how many regionals or above has that mathematical model won for you MJ?

I know I normally snark, but I'm actually genuinely curious to see if it's given you a significant advantage...

Legitimate question! I have only played in 4 premier level events.

  1. 2015 Massachusetts Regionals: 4-2, placed #15 out of 72. Learned some things tactically about playing in a Premier Level event, and also that Outmaneuver and Lone Wolf are not the best upgrades for BroBots. I'm still using the shield tokens from that tournament. :)
  2. 2015 Pittsburgh Regionals, 86 players. 5-1 in Swiss and won through the Top 8 to win. IG88BC w/ VI+ID @98 was good in that meta.
  3. 2015 NOVA Open, 77 players. 5-1 in Swiss. Same list again. Won Top 16, Top 8, and lost Top 4 to Preston Blitzer for #3 overall. Note to self, don't give up the board edge vs Whisper.
  4. 2015 Worlds. Same list again. 6-2, #20 overall. Lost to Aaron Bonar in round 3 when he had range 2 for double tactician on the opening engagement by less than a millimeter. I would have made it into the cut if my round 5(?) opponent didn't call C-3P0 "1" on Chewie and get it about 6 times out 7, and my round 8 opponent didn't drag the game to time and prevent me from getting full points for killing his second ship. Such is the nature of tournaments, I'm sure I had a few moments go my way as well over the course of 8 rounds, so it all averages out.

That's it. I attended a wedding same day of Massachusetts Regionals 2016. I gave the longer background to illustrate that the skillsets and math required to balance the game are different than those required to perform well in a tournament environment with a fixed list. There's a correlation, but knowing the metagame better doesn't mean you will make better tactical decisions. Ironically, I didn't run the IG88B jousting numbers until after I won Pittsburgh. The biggest tournament advantage that I have analytically is recreating Osoroshii's Maneuvering Guide for myself (my version is on steroids), and just knowing the matchups.

I'll be playing Regionals again in a few weeks, but I honestly don't expect to do as well relatively speaking unless I double time it and practice my list matchups more.


There are far too many variables at this point in time with all the different upgrade cards and what/when they can do things. You can't calculate joust efficiency with any degree of accuracy when some of these cards work outside normal phases and have nothing to do with the ships attack or agility values.

Identifying a combination, and analyzing that combination are two entirely different things. If it involves rolling dice, then it can definitely be analyzed. Just because something doesn't fit into the "standard" jousting model, doesn't mean it can't be analyzed anyway (example: Palpatine).

kinda difficult to get a special advantage if people gravitate towards the same pool of ships that his model predicts will be kinda awesome

True, but don't forget he hasn't released his most recent model into the public domain, or updated the info on the forum for a year or so...

what the general playerbase lacks in math, it makes up for in playtesting :P

honestly, finding the pattern of "action-independent damage mitigation" which has been all the rage since fat han...well, it isn't a difficult dance to follow anymore :P

now whoever in the hell invented dengaroo was on some good glitterstim, and major just ran the numbers after the fact. Said numbers were just supporting evidence for how powerful the list was

This is all essentially spot on. MathWing is most useful when designing the game to prevent making such a monstrosity to begin with, or identifying a new SuperAwesomeCombo that hasn't been discovered yet -- in which case the advantage lasts for just that 1 tournament.

Edited by MajorJuggler

If only someone had developed some sort of mathematical model and used it to evaluate the card.

plus about 200 various pilot cards as well while we're at it :D

Just out of interest, how many regionals or above has that mathematical model won for you MJ?

I know I normally snark, but I'm actually genuinely curious to see if it's given you a significant advantage...

Legitimate question! I have only played in 4 premier level events.

  • 2015 Massachusetts Regionals: 4-2, placed #15 out of 72. Learned some things tactically about playing in a Premier Level event, and also that Outmaneuver and Lone Wolf are not the best upgrades for BroBots. I'm still using the shield tokens from that tournament. :)
  • 2015 Pittsburgh Regionals, 86 players. 5-1 in Swiss and won through the Top 8 to win. IG88BC w/ VI+ID @98 was good in that meta.
  • 2015 NOVA Open, 77 players. 5-1 in Swiss. Same list again. Won Top 16, Top 8, and lost Top 4 to Preston Blitzer for #3 overall. Note to self, don't give up the board edge vs Whisper.
  • 2015 Worlds. Same list again. 6-2, #20 overall. Lost to Aaron Bonar in round 3 when he had range 2 for double tactician on the opening engagement by less than a millimeter. I would have made it into the cut if my round 5(?) opponent didn't call C-3P0 "1" on Chewie and get it about 6 times out 7, and my round 8 opponent didn't drag the game to time and prevent me from getting full points for killing his second ship. Such is the nature of tournaments, I'm sure I had a few moments go my way as well over the course of 8 rounds, so it all averages out.
That's it. I attended a wedding same day of Massachusetts Regionals 2016. I gave the longer background to illustrate that the skillsets and math required to balance the game are different than those required to perform well in a tournament environment with a fixed list. There's a correlation, but knowing the metagame better doesn't mean you will make better tactical decisions.

I'll be playing Regionals again in a few weeks, but I honestly don't expect to do as well relatively speaking unless I double time it and practice my list matchups more.


There are far too many variables at this point in time with all the different upgrade cards and what/when they can do things. You can't calculate joust efficiency with any degree of accuracy when some of these cards work outside normal phases and have nothing to do with the ships attack or agility values.

Identifying a combination, and analyzing that combination are two entirely different things. If it involves rolling dice, then it can definitely be analyzed. Just because something doesn't fit into the "standard" jousting model, doesn't mean it can't be analyzed anyway (example: Palpatine).

kinda difficult to get a special advantage if people gravitate towards the same pool of ships that his model predicts will be kinda awesome

True, but don't forget he hasn't released his most recent model into the public domain, or updated the info on the forum for a year or so...

what the general playerbase lacks in math, it makes up for in playtesting :P

honestly, finding the pattern of "action-independent damage mitigation" which has been all the rage since fat han...well, it isn't a difficult dance to follow anymore :P

now whoever in the hell invented dengaroo was on some good glitterstim, and major just ran the numbers after the fact. Said numbers were just supporting evidence for how powerful the list was

This is all essentially spot on. MathWing is most useful when designing the game to prevent making such a monstrosity to begin with, or identifying a new SuperAwesomeCombo that hasn't been discovered yet -- in which case the advantage lasts for just that 1 tournament.

I mean i don't need statistics to see that Dengaroo is bonkers good, but i usually read your stuff and must have missed this one.

By the way if iirc. the reason to not make some of your statistical analysis public was that you quite understandably didn't want to do FFG's work for them for free. Did you have any luck with this strategy yet?

Just out of curiosity, where can i find your Dengaroo analysis? Or is tis one "classified" too.

I mean i don't need statistics to see that Dengaroo is bonkers good, but i usually read your stuff and must have missed this one.

Good question, it might be in my MathWing thread but I can't remember! Dengar would be worth about 108 points in raw dice in a wave 5 meta, not including CounterMeasures. And that's just Dengar himself, supported by Manaroo in the background.

The meta has changed so dramatically that I really need to overhaul some MathWing workings under the hood to make it accurate and relevant again.

By the way if iirc. the reason to not make some of your statistical analysis public was that you quite understandably didn't want to do FFG's work for them for free. Did you have any luck with this strategy yet?

They don't have my work, so I guess I succeeded? :D

Oh, wait, you meant getting paid for it somehow... :P It's more likely that I'll publish an academic paper on it. The list of fundamental "stuff" I would like to cover though keeps getting longer, and I keep getting less time. Some of it is self-inflicted, working on other projects.

Edited by MajorJuggler

One thing I would point out about MJ's math-wing is that it has been fairly bad at predicting cards that work outside of its current model.

Bob, Paul H and Doug K all said on NOVA when we were reviewing Palp that 8 points as very high and that 2 crew slots probably pushed him past being usable.

We had the same talk about Mannaroo and could not see a use for her at the time.

In the same vane I was lambasted for "Bullying" Bob when I pointed out that his Mathwing for Ruthless Vessery had made a lot of assumptions to get the massively high jousting numbers. I was chatting with Aaron Bonner who developed that list and was chatting to Bob about it and he said that he had not seen it out in the wild at worlds, so in spite of its high numbers it involves too much set up to execute.

Mathwing is a useful tool but should not replace testing and actual experience which I think MJ would join me in recommending for anyone who wants to do well at premier level events, as he has. He performed at his best when he put time and effort in to his prep work and playing out the match ups, in addition to running the numbers.

It is like a pizza, if Mathwing is the base. Its just a bit bland without the rest of the ingredients.


Edit - I am sure MJ spoke about Dengaroo at length on an Episode of NOVA, can't remember witch one off the top of my head but it is a very well thought out explanation of why it works.

Edited by KrisSherriff

One thing I would point out about MJ's math-wing is that it has been fairly bad at predicting cards that work outside of its current model.

Bob, Paul H and Doug K all said on NOVA when we were reviewing Palp that 8 points as very high and that 2 crew slots probably pushed him past being usable.

We had the same talk about Mannaroo and could not see a use for her at the time.

In the same vane I was lambasted for "Bullying" Bob when I pointed out that his Mathwing for Ruthless Vessery had made a lot of assumptions to get the massively high jousting numbers.

Mathwing is a useful tool but should not replace testing and actual experience which I think MJ would join me in recommending for anyone who wants to do well at premier level events, as he has. He performed at his best when he put time and effort in to his prep work and playing out the match ups, in addition to running the numbers.

It is like a pizza, if Mathwing is the base. Its just a bit bland without the rest of the ingredients.


Edit - I am sure MJ spoke about Dengaroo at length on an Episode of NOVA, can't remember witch one off the top of my head but it is a very well thought out explanation of why it works.

It's not that it yields bad results, but rather that the stock model simply doesn't apply and therefore doesn't say anything for some interactions.

I hadn't run math on Palpatine when we reviewed him. I later did run the numbers and was getting answers in the range of 12-25 points. I should have run the math before the show, but I don't always have time.

Manaroo -- as I said upthread, identifying a combo is a different problem than analyzing it.

Vessery assumptions -- I'm always up front with the assumptions. We have no disagreement that the "peak" numbers are higher than you will ever see on the table. That said this is a good example of needing to update it for a new meta -- targets are much harder to hit now than they were in wave 5 so his ability will also trigger far less, even if you could set up the best case assumptions.

Edited by MajorJuggler

My question to MJ is: How relevant is only looking at Mathwing for the game now?

Meaning, it used to be during wave6 or so, that we could actually literally almost determine everything mathematically to a very strong extent.

Is that still the case, or are there upgrades, dials etc that are making it harder for Mathwing to be nearly always spot on?

I do know MJ thought/knew that Palp Defenders was one of the best values in the game, so at least for that, he has some predicative creds.

Just out of curiosity, where can i find your Dengaroo analysis? Or is tis one "classified" too.

I mean i don't need statistics to see that Dengaroo is bonkers good, but i usually read your stuff and must have missed this one.

Good question, it might be in my MathWing thread but I can't remember! Dengar would be worth about 108 points in raw dice in a wave 5 meta, not including CounterMeasures. And that's just Dengar himself, supported by Manaroo in the background.

The meta has changed so dramatically that I really need to overhaul some MathWing workings under the hood to make it accurate and relevant again.

By the way if iirc. the reason to not make some of your statistical analysis public was that you quite understandably didn't want to do FFG's work for them for free. Did you have any luck with this strategy yet?

They don't have my work, so I guess I succeeded? :D

Oh, wait, you meant getting paid for it somehow... :P It's more likely that I'll publish an academic paper on it. The list of fundamental "stuff" I would like to cover though keeps getting longer, and I keep getting less time. Some of it is self-inflicted, working on other projects.

Yes that's actually what i meant. Would be awesome if you could get something for the work you would have done anyway.

Too bad nobody can apparently point me to the analysis!

Just out of curiosity, where can i find your Dengaroo analysis? Or is tis one "classified" too.

I mean i don't need statistics to see that Dengaroo is bonkers good, but i usually read your stuff and must have missed this one.

Good question, it might be in my MathWing thread but I can't remember! Dengar would be worth about 108 points in raw dice in a wave 5 meta, not including CounterMeasures. And that's just Dengar himself, supported by Manaroo in the background.

The meta has changed so dramatically that I really need to overhaul some MathWing workings under the hood to make it accurate and relevant again.

By the way if iirc. the reason to not make some of your statistical analysis public was that you quite understandably didn't want to do FFG's work for them for free. Did you have any luck with this strategy yet?

They don't have my work, so I guess I succeeded? :D

Oh, wait, you meant getting paid for it somehow... :P It's more likely that I'll publish an academic paper on it. The list of fundamental "stuff" I would like to cover though keeps getting longer, and I keep getting less time. Some of it is self-inflicted, working on other projects.

Yes that's actually what i meant. Would be awesome if you could get something for the work you would have done anyway.

Too bad nobody can apparently point me to the analysis!

Try the NOVA Sqn Radio episode 53.

I think it was that one.


My two cents are that neither palp nor the dengaroo combinations are "broken." There are ways to beat them and I don't think anything drastic needs to be done. I think Corran/Miranda could have taken dengaroo down, but it seemed like the outstanding rebel pilot hit a bit of a wall and didn't have a great game plan.

As i said, there are no really great ways to beat Dengaroo consistently, but this Rebel squad in particular stand no chance. It just can't commit Miranda to the fight without losing her due to the PWT, the bombs are only semi-useful here, and Corran is very likely to have to take the joust or not shoot at all. And he is also likely to lose the joust with Dengar if he does take it.

This is however not the reason why i think Dengaroo, especially Zuckuss is too strong. This is just a very bad matchup for Corran/Miranda, nothing more to it.

I don't agree that Miranda/Corran had "no chance." In fact, regen on both backed by focus/evade on Corran stands a solid chance of mitigating the damage done by Dengar. As with all regen fights it's about splitting damage and disengaging in the right moments.

Rebel player's initial engagement was just getting shot up by Dengar w/no answering shots. He turned in for the engagement but didn't get a shot because Dengar was able to roll out of arc. It was obvious that was a possibility but rather than compensate his arc he tokened up. Not having Miranda in on that part of the fight made no sense if his goal was to turn and fight Dengar.

The other major tactical flaw was Miranda trying to catch Manaroo by slamming around the board edge. If that's your goal you gotta set up the pursuit angle, you'll never catch that ship w/boost where it has the left turns all set up for it.

Then again, I ain't got no wins in my sig. block so wtf do I know. I certainly wasn't runner up at worlds. What I do know is the Corran/Miranda player had some really good play on the stream earlier in the day. I have to imagine he either wasn't entirely prepared for the matchup, or he was fatigued. I also know that he'd beat me in that state while I'm completely fresh 9 times out of 10.

Would be awesome if you could get something for the work you would have done anyway.

We could probably talk Joe Boss into replying to whatever thread it gets posted in with a very colorful "Good Post!" with a bunch of cartoon space ships in it?

How's that for sweetening the pot MJ?

Edited by WWHSD

Would be awesome if you could get something for the work you would have done anyway.

We could probably talk Joe Boss into replying to whatever thread it gets posted in with a very colorful "Good Post!" with a bunch of cartoon space ships in it?

How's that for sweetening the pot MJ?

Joe Boss loves MathWing...

Yes that's actually what i meant. Would be awesome if you could get something for the work you would have done anyway.

Too bad nobody can apparently point me to the analysis!

Kris remembered, actually, it's in one of our NOVA episodes, most likely when we covered Nationals where Jeff Berling really made news with it. I think the discussion on my end spilled over briefly into the next episode as well.

My question to MJ is: How relevant is only looking at Mathwing for the game now?

Meaning, it used to be during wave6 or so, that we could actually literally almost determine everything mathematically to a very strong extent.

Is that still the case, or are there upgrades, dials etc that are making it harder for Mathwing to be nearly always spot on?

I do know MJ thought/knew that Palp Defenders was one of the best values in the game, so at least for that, he has some predicative creds.

It's still relevant. Every single list* in the Top 16 is top-tier at jousting.

  1. Dengaroo. Yup. God-mode jouster.
  2. Corran / Miranda. Corran's jousting value is absolutely disgusting if he can regenerate. Manaroo + TLT = OK jousting value, the real power here is double regen. (math). I haven't mathematically looked into bombs on K-wings.
  3. Palp Aces / OL / Vessery. Best in class jousters, excepting Dengaroo of course.
  4. Han / Jake. Bad at straight line jousting, but can be mathematically cost effective with relatively little arc dodging. Fat Han numbers have been around for a while. Still admittedly a (pleasant?) surprise to everyone.
  5. Palp Defenders. Yup.
  6. Dengaroo. Yup.
  7. Fenn / Teroch / Manaroo. Ironically haven't precisely math'ed Mindlink Fenn + Manaroo yet even though that's what I'm flying lately.
  8. Palp Defenders. Yup.
  9. Ketsu + Assaj. Haven't math'ed this yet. Yes I have been slacking. :)
  10. Palp Defender / Ace. Yup.
  11. Whisper / Oicunn+Palp: Yup -- but Whisper's matchup variance is extremely high even with Kallus and Palp. Kudos to Phil for taking her this far.
  12. Triple x7 Defenders. Yup.
  13. Quad TLT. Yup - math'ed that a while ago, haven't directly done a head to head vs Dengaroo and x7.
  14. Triple Scouts, sans deadeye. Can you believe I still haven't math'ed out what the equivalent jousting value of an alpha strike is??? Yes, I'm slacking again.
  15. Paul Heaver. Haven't math'ed Assaj yet, but she's obviously tanky. Haven't math'ed TLT when backed up by a tractor beam in this meta.
  16. Dengaroo. Yup.

* OK, there's a couple I haven't analyzed - especially the ShadowCasters. They get complicated because they sacrifice some raw jousting for control.

TL;DR: The good news is that the analysis is now useful for more stuff than just generics, and its pretty accurate unless its for something like bombs, in which case it's N/A. The bad news is that I have been slacking and haven't spent as much time analyzing as I was 1-2 years ago.

Edited by MajorJuggler